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LAL discussion: rumors, trades (cd.. Ruchy sezonowe 2006/07)


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myślę, że spore znaczenie ma to, że kilku graczy ze stałej meczowej rotacji gra w tym sezonie o nowe kontrakty czyli: Smush, Mihm, Walton, Vujacic, Cook, Turiaf a to zazwyczaj daje zawodnikom sporą motywację do lepszego grania a dodatkowo każdy z tych 6 graczy ma równocześnie jako dodatkową motywację konkurencję na swojej pozycji, żaden nie może czuć się pewnie, liczyć, że tak czy inaczej dostanie swoje jak to miało miejsce chociażby w przypadku Parkera w zeszłym roku tu każdy z nich będzie musiał sobie zapracować i walczyć o minuty na parkiecie także spora część role playerów w drużynie ma zdecydowanie powody do czynienia postępów i grania na dobrym poziomie w nadchodzącym sezonie.

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z gory zaznaczam: POST DO WYWALENIA ;-)


Nie chce rozpoczynac jakiejs wielkiej dyskusji w glownym temacie czy tez na terytorium wroga i podziele sie z wami taką foteczką na którą sie natknąłem ;-) Sorry za spam, ale jak mowie, do wywalenia post, a fotka warta uwagi :P




Sezon sie nie zaczal a ten juz płacze ;-)

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Simply catching the ball was a challenge for Kwame Brown last season. Through five days of training camp with the Los Angeles Lakers, that's something he now has a handle on.


It's all about comfort.


"It's not thinking as much," Brown said after practice Saturday. "I'm not as anxious. You can't do anything without the ball. You can think about the spot you're supposed to be at all day long, but you can't do anything without the rock.


"So, I've just basically been trying to slow down. I'm not as wide-eyed as I was last year."


Brown came to his first Lakers camp a year ago as a power forward, but the team soon realized he was better suited to play center.


Brown, the No. 1 pick in the 2001 NBA draft by the Washington Wizards, averaged 7.4 points and 6.6 rebounds last season. He said he worked out running stairs over the summer to get in better condition for this year.


Chris Mihm, who started most of last season at center for the Lakers, is recuperating from offseason ankle surgery.


"Right now, everybody is pretty much saying I'm the starting center," Brown said. "But you've got to realize that Chris did it all season long, so I'm not looking at it like I'm the starting center. I'm looking at it as everybody is equal and we've got to fight for our jobs.


"I'm ready for him to come back healthy and we go at it and that'll make us better. He's going to push me and I'm going to push him."



Kwame Brown smiles.


"Yes," he says after exhaling, he is definitely feeling more relaxed these days.


He was trying to do everything in a hurry a year ago, moving at a painfully blurry speed whenever the ball came his way in the post. If he actually managed to secure the ball instead of fumbling it — a 50-50 proposition at times — he would begin his post moves awkwardly and rapidly, often ending with an off-balance shot.


He has now been handed the title of the Lakers' starting center, one he hopes not to drop. He says he has changed, calling the difference from a year ago "like night and day."


"Just not thinking as much, not as anxious," he said. "You can't do nothing without the rock. I'm just basically trying to slow down. I'm not as wide-eyed as I was last year."


Brown would have been an important key to a successful season before it became apparent Chris Mihm would not be ready for the start of training camp. Now, many eyes will be on Brown, who delivered in Mihm's absence toward the end of last season and will be expected to do so even more this season.


Brown averaged 13.6 points and 9.2 rebounds in the team's final 13 regular-season games, following it up with a slightly less exemplary 12.9-point, 6.6-rebound average in the playoffs.


A day after last season ended, Lakers General Manager Mitch Kupchak challenged Brown by saying, "My understanding is that he has not put as much time into his game during the off-season as he should."


So Brown became a fairly frequent visitor to the team training facility, although he wished he could have done more.


"I understand that he wanted to see us in here, but there were no guys in there playing," Brown said. "That's the one thing I wish that we could change. If you want us to be here, try and get some games going because there's not a lot of games going here. You can work out, you can do all the shots and skill work, and you're still behind the eight-ball because there's no playing."


Now in his sixth season, Brown can't afford to fall behind if he is going to be a meaningful post presence for an entire season.


"You can tell that he's much more relaxed out there," Lakers assistant coach Kurt Rambis said. "He has a better understanding of what we want to do. We just need him to keep growing as a ball player. Part of his job is to make sure that he controls the lane for us — defends, rebounds — and starts expanding his offense."


As for his hands?

"He's doing a good job of catching the ball," Rambis said. "To be honest with you, I don't think that I've noticed him dropping the ball in training camp, which is good, considering that most of this is a hack-fest out there. You've got grabbing and holding and they're smacking and slapping."


dobrze to się zapowiada jeżeli chodzi o Kwame :) ma naprawdę kapitalne warunki fizyczne, ma talent jest pracowity problem zawsze był w jego głowie. Kiedy w drugiej połowie zaczął grać dobrze to praktycznie zniknęły sytuacje kiedy gubił piłki więc widać, że to również kwestia bardziej mentalna podobnie jak te jego osobiste, które trafiał kiedyś na lepszej skuteczności. Jak Kwame zwolni i nie będzie tyle myślał na parkiecie tak jak to robił w drugiej części sezonu powinien być sporą siłą również w ofensywie i zbliżyć się do tych 15/10 8)
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EL SEGUNDO – Luke Walton has been on a team that made the NBA Finals. And he sees these Lakers as good enough to be there again - this season.

"I expect to be in the (NBA) Finals this year," Walton said Saturday. "We could've done it last year. We had a young team that had never really been there together. I think you really grow a lot from what we went through - losing the 3-1 (lead) to a great team like Phoenix in the playoffs."


Walton said the vibe in training camp is "definitely the best feeling" since his rookie season, when the 2003-'04 Lakers reached the NBA Finals on the star power of Kobe Bryant, Karl Malone, Shaquille O'Neal and Gary Payton.


What Walton likes in the current Lakers is a growing communal spirit that feels special, one that wasn't quite established last season.


"There were so many times through the whole season where we were losing close games because we really didn't have that confidence about us," Walton said. "We had it about Kobe, but not about us as a team."


Walton foresees the Lakers winning more of the close games they lost last season and positioning themselves to make better postseason use of Bryant.


"The thing about basketball, when you get to the playoffs, every game comes down to the very end," Walton said. "We've got the best clutch player in the game on our team. So we feel as long as we play like a team and hopefully get a better seed than seventh and have home-court advantage, then we can win that and move on. And we match up pretty well against a lot of teams in the Western Conference."


The Lakers were already competitive with most of the league's top teams last season, bolstering Walton's faith.


"If you look at last year, we had a great chance at knocking off Phoenix," Walton said. "Granted, we didn't take care of business, but they (the Suns) went all the way to the Western Conference finals and lost to Dallas. And Dallas had a great chance at winning the NBA Finals, so we feel like we're at that level. We don't feel like there's a team out there that's just better than us."




Lakers assistant coach Brian Shaw cited Kwame Brown, Walton, Danilo Pinnock, Jordan Farmar and Brian Cook as most impressive in the team's extensive scrimmages Saturday night. Shaw served as Brown's primary confidant last season, and going into this season, Shaw said he's telling Brown: "Keep riding that wave of confidence." ...


Small forward Maurice Evans on the triangle offense: "People don't realize the complexity of this offense. Guys like Kobe and (Michael) Jordan make it look so easy. Even guys like Rick Fox grew into the position and did so well that you kind of take it for granted how much you have to learn." ...


Walton is wearing tights to keep his legs warm in training camp. He tore his left hamstring in camp a year ago.


nareszcie, ktoś miał jaja żeby to głośno powiedzieć 8)
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Nie wiem co inni o tym sądzą ale mi bardzo się podoba takie podejście Waltona, oczywiście każdy wie, że finał dla Lakers to bardzo, bardzo trudne zadanie i praktycznie nikt na to nie stawia, ale to jest sport i także za niespodzianki go kochamy, a skoro chłopaki mają takie aspiracje to znaczy że znają swoją wartość, są ambitni i będą walczyć do upadłego. Trzeba pamiętać, że wiara czyni cuda, jeśli do tego dodamy jeszcze umiejętności, ciężką pracę, ambicję, młodość, zgranie to nie pozostaje nam nic innego jak tylko kibicować Lakersom aby cel o któym mówił Luke zrealizowali w tym sezonie.


P.S. Jeszcze 21 dni do starcia z suns, jak ten czas się dłuży... :wink:

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21 dni do meczu z suns i 5h do pierwszego sparingowego meczu z jazz:)


co do deklaracji waltona. czemu nie. ja juz w tamtym sezonie widzialem nasz zespol w finale konferencji i nie dlatego ze jestem idiota i slepo zapatrzony w lakers. tylko po tym co widzialem i jak grali w 2 ostatnich miesiacach. wielu uznalo to za hurraoptymizm itd ale my naprawde bylismy o 1 zbiorke od polfinalu. clippers byli do przejscia. dallas czy san antonio juz niekoniecznie ale naprawde moglismy postawic sie na tej samej polce co dallas,san antonio czy lac.

spojrzmy teraz na to jak wygladaja teamy:


dallas-oslabione.odszedl daniels. wiem duzo nie wnosil do gry w finalach ale na sezon byl solidnym zawodnikiem. wiec na minus

san antonio- odeszlo 2 centrow w zamian ktorych pozyskali elsona(!!) moim zdaniem duze oslabienie. plus brak van exela.wiec gorzej niz w tamtym roku

houston-jedyny zespol w stawce ktory bardzo sie wzmocnil, ale ja wciaz nie widze yao czy tracy'ego ktorzy wychodza poza runde po.beda w naszym zasiegu.

sacramento-oslabione brakiem wellsa

phoenix- pozyskali banksa. stracili tima thomasa, wiec moim zdaniem lekko stracili.jesli bedzie amare beda poza zasiegiem. ale jesli sie okaze ze z amare'm sa problemy(a juz sa) to czemu nie.

clippers odszedl vlado, doszedl thomas. sa w naszym zasiegu i pora zajac tron w naszym miescie:)

nowy orlean- beda lepsi ale nie powinni liczyc sie w walce o WCF

memphis- o nich zapomnialem. wzmocnieni nie tylko swiftem ale i rudym gayem. ci moga nam pokrzyzowac plany. ale tez sa w zasiegu.

utah doszedl fish wiec to tez bedzie niezly zespol. ale chyba wciaz nie na po

seattle to samo co utah

minnesota tez wzmocnieni ale tez beda poza po. co bedzie oznaczalo pozegnanie kg z wilkami.

denver brak postepu moze spowodowac ze w tym roku mozemy ich nie zobaczyc w po. to mozw byc sezon carmelo ale on sam tego teamu nie pociagnie. owszem doszli dwaj smithowie. ale mam przeczucie ze ten team zagra w tym roku ponizej oczekiwan

golden state tez wzmocnieni. moze nie tak jak houston ale moga powalczyc o po. namieszac ale brak doswiadczenia w po spowoduje ze szybka odpadna jesli dojda.



no tak wyglada sytuacja w moich oczach. mialo byc krociutko a wyszedl mi niezly przeglad przedsezonowy:)


reasumujac. zachod sie wyrownal. czolowka nie wzmocnila sie znaczaco. to ekipy ze srodka tabeli sie powzmacnialy. oczywiscie sezon wszystko zweryfikuje ale na dzis dzien lakersow zaliczylbym do 6 zespolow ktore powinny rozstrzygnac miedzy soba walke o final nba czyli mavs,spurs,suns,clippers,lakers,rockets. nie nalzey zapominac o reszcie ale patrzac na nasz sklad, ktory nareszcie wydaje sie kompletny, trenera i liderow mamy wszystko to co... mieli bulls w 91 gdy siegali po mistrzostwo. pora na krok do przodu i na to by udowodnic wartosc tego zespolu. to bedzie naprawde ciezki sezon. ale mam dziwne przeczucie ze milszy niz ten ubiegloroczny.....

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  • 3 tygodnie później...

The Los Angeles Lakers requested waivers Thursday on guards Von Wafer and J.R. Pinnock, leaving them with 16 players on their roster.


Wafer averaged 1.3 points in 17 games last season after being selected in the second round of the NBA draft with the 39th overall pick. He played in only one preseason game this month before sitting out the rest of the games with a bruised left heel.


The Dallas Mavericks made Pinnock the 58th pick in last June's NBA draft, and traded him to the Lakers for a second-round draft pick next year. He averaged 14.5 points and 5.3 rebounds for George Washington last season, and 1.8 points and 2.0 rebounds in seven preseason games.


The Lakers must make one more cut by Monday -- a day before they open the season against Phoenix.

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Devin Green appeared in 27 games for the Lakers last season, but it looks like he won't appear in any this year, as he was waived on Monday.


The club elected to keep Aaron McKie instead of Green.

No to mamy pełny skład. chyba jednak dobra dectyzja. Po wyzdrwoieniu McKie'a może nam się przydać jego doświadczenie.

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No to mamy pełny skład. chyba jednak dobra dectyzja. Po wyzdrwoieniu McKie'a może nam się przydać jego doświadczenie.

Aaron już nigdy nie wyzdrowieje, żeby być w 100% gotowym do gry jednak może się jego kończący kontrakt przydać w połowie sezonu np. połamany w dalszym ciągu Mihm, Cook i Aaron to pakiet fajnych kończących się kontraktów na które niektórzy mogą się skusić. A jak wiadomo nadchodzace lato to pełne w ciekawych wolnych agentów :wink:

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