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czy ruszylbys odoma?  

38 użytkowników zagłosowało

  1. 1. czy ruszylbys odoma?

    • tak, odom sie nie sprawdzil do tej pory. pora na zmiane
    • nie, gosc sie ok, trzeba reszte wymieniac i wzmacniac

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Ja zawsze korzystam z, aczkolwiek mogą tam być blędy.


W Garnetta mało wierzę. Naprawdę wątpię, by zażądał transferu, czy nawet o niego poprosił. Naszą szansą jest moim zdaniem O'Neal. Jak tak widzę, jakie oferty proponują kibice Knicks czy Sam Smith z Chicago Tribune, to dochodzę do wniosku, że pakiet Odom, Kwame i pick nie jest wcale taki zły i możemy powalczyć o JO bez oddawania Bynuma.


Francis - tylko w ostateczności. Jeśli nie wypalą opcje znacznego wzmocnienia w postaci Garnetta, O'Neala czy Gasola. jeśli nie uda się za MLE pozyskać Bella czy Magloire'a. wtedy bym spróbował, ale na pewno nie w parze z Artestem.

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Jendras w mojej opinii na nieoddawanie Odoma za O'Neala dużą rolę odgrywa to że jestem do JO po prostu uprzedzony, zwyczajnie go nie lubię :wink: A że Odom to jeden z moich ulubionych graczy to moja opinia jest taka a nie inna, może rzeczywiście jestem trochę nieobiektywny bo KB/JO jednak lepszy duet niż KB/LO

A jeśli nie uda się pozyskać O'Neala bez oddawania Odoma, to co zrobisz? zrezygnujesz i pozostaniesz przy dotychczasowym zestawieniu, wiedząc, że nie będzie to korzystna sportowo decyzja?

Wtedy spróbowałbym zdobyć Gasola, jak Memphis będzie miało pecha w loterry i nie dostanie top 2 pick to jakaś szansa, mała bo mała, na to by była. Mam jednak nadzieję że paczka Brown/Bynum/Radman/19 pick Indianie wystarczy. Jak nie, i jak nie uda się zdobyć jakiegoś innego dużego all stara bez oddania Lamara, to wtedy bym go poświęcił.


Żeby nie było, ja nie jestem przeciwny zmianom, uważam że w tym składzie bez kontuzji stać nas na 2 rundę PO, nic więcej


Co do Francisa to nie wiem jak tam z jego zdrowiem. Gdzieś pare miesięcy temu czytałem że on gra z permanentnym bólem kolan, podobni zastanawiał się nad skończeniem kariery z tego powodu. Raczej bym go nie chciał w Lakers

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Żeby nie było, ja nie jestem przeciwny zmianom, uważam że w tym składzie bez kontuzji stać nas na 2 rundę PO, nic więcej


No i co nam to da?! Po cholere druga runda? Kobe powiedzial ze chce wygrywac tytuly a nie przechodzic z rundy do rundy... I ja mowie to samo...


Co do Francisa to podobnie jak Artest - nie wiem co mu strzeli, gosc jest szalony, "nieoswojony"...

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No i co nam to da?! Po cholere druga runda? Kobe powiedzial ze chce wygrywac tytuly a nie przechodzic z rundy do rundy...

Ale ja jestem przecież za zmianami, napisałem że z tym składem stać nas max na 2 rundę co nikogo nie zadowoli, źle się zrozumieliśmy :)

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No i co nam to da?! Po cholere druga runda? Kobe powiedzial ze chce wygrywac tytuly a nie przechodzic z rundy do rundy...

Ale ja jestem przecież za zmianami, napisałem że z tym składem stać nas max na 2 rundę co nikogo nie zadowoli, źle się zrozumieliśmy :)

O sorry zle przeczytalem :P Przeczytalem "nie jestem za zmianami", naprawde sorry za ta pomylke ;)


Ja jestem ciekaw jak to sie wszystko potoczy... Moze byc tyle szumu a wkoncu bedzie nic... Nie zdziwilbym sie jakby tak sie stalo. Mam nadzieje ze tak nie bedzie i sprowadzimy jakas gwiazde, a przy odrobinie szczescia zachowiemy Lamara ;) Wkoncu nie takie trade'y byly ;)

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@Van oczywiscie chodzilo mi o Banksa nie Bella, moj blad

@Jendras mozesz wierzyc lub nie ale Knicksi oddadza kogokolwiek z tego skladu kto nie nazywa sie Curry albo Marbury, nawet Lee, nie mowiac o innych mlokosach w stylu Robinsona, Frye, Balkmana, choc nie przecze ze glownie przewijaja sie nazwiska Malika Rose'a i Jamala Crawforda, ale pozostali nie sa nietykalni

Niemniej jednak ja absolutnie nie wierze zeby Bird chcial az tak "pomoc" Thomasowi, a za Tinsleya podziekuje, mamy mlodego Collinsa, ktoremu jak sie da czas i minuty wyrosnie na bardzo dobrego (podkreslam bardzo dobrego) defensywnego PG

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Jak tak widzę, jakie oferty proponują kibice Knicks czy Sam Smith z Chicago Tribune, to dochodzę do wniosku, że pakiet Odom, Kwame i pick nie jest wcale taki zły i możemy powalczyć o JO bez oddawania Bynuma.


a gdybyś miał wybór oddajemy za JO Kwame, Lamara i pick albo Kwame, Bynuma pick i Radman wysyłany do jakiejś trzeciej drużyny za kończący się kontrakt, który trafia do Pacers to co byś Jendras wybrał :?: ja tą drugą opcję i myślę, że Pacers również. - filmy z końcowymi wywiadami z mediami z Kobe, Lamarem, Bynumem, Smushem, Jaxem, Kupchackiem jakby ktoś chciał sobie zobaczyć zwłaszcza ten z Bryantem jest interesujący i w zasadzie oglądając go można z większą wiarę podchodzić do tego lata licząc, że coś się pozytywnego jednak faktycznie stanie bo Kobe kilka razy daje jasno do zrozumienia, że nie interesuje go jak, nie interesują go zapewnienia tylko efekty i chce na jesień zobaczyć drużynę mogącą walczyć o tytuł :)

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Van - nie wiem, co bym wybrał. nie sądzę też, żebyśmy mieli taki luksus, jak możliwość wyboru pomiędzy tymi dwoma opcjami. osobiście uważam, że Pacers dość stanowczo będą żądać Browna, Bynuma i Odoma za O'Neala i Tinsleya.


sam Odom z Brownem mają sens z punktu widzenia finansowego, ale 19. numer w drafcie to trochę mało dla przebudowującego się zespołu. z kolei w tej drugiej opcji nie możemy wziąć Tinsleya. kluczowe może okazać się to, jak bardzo JO będzie chciał odejść i jakie oferty złożą inne kluby. obawiać możemy się zwłaszcza Bostonu.


btw. cholera, patrzę na to, co wyczynia Boozer i myślę sobie, że tak niewiele zabrakło.

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wszyscy czyli kto bo nie przegladalem wszystkich filmikow:)

kobe,lamar maja kontrakty z nike'm wiec moga nosic rzeczy nike'a.

kwame, z bynumem tez graja w nike'ach wiec domyslam sie ze jakis indywidualny kontrakt tez maja. radman tez w nike'ach, evansa czesto widzialem w jordanach(choc rownie czesto w and1 chyba) jedziemy dalej radman tez w nike, turiaf w kobasach smiga.


tak na dobra sprawe to tylko farmar smiga w adidasach ale to juz od ucla mu pozostalo. z tego co wiem to rzeczy adasia muszmiec na meczach(oprocz butow) i na treningach. i chyba na akcjach tymu nba cares, czytamy dzieciom i gdy cala ekipa idzie np dawac zarcie bezdomnym.

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Van - nie wiem, co bym wybrał. nie sądzę też, żebyśmy mieli taki luksus, jak możliwość wyboru pomiędzy tymi dwoma opcjami. osobiście uważam, że Pacers dość stanowczo będą żądać Browna, Bynuma i Odoma za O'Neala i Tinsleya.


to szczerze mówiąc Lakers nie pójdą na taki deal i ja im się wcale nie będą dziwił. Sam Kobe i JO to mało, potrzebujemy kogoś na kogo solidną ofensywną pomoc będziemy mogli liczyć w każdym meczu, tak jak Rockets z McGradym i Yao nie dali rady a mieli jeszcze świetną defensywę Lakers nie mogą w tej wymianie oddać i Odoma i Bynuma i to nie chodzi już o to, że jestem zbyt skąpy bo ja bym ich oddał gdybyśmy mieli w tej drużynie jeszcze jakiegoś wartościowego gracza na tyle dobrego żeby na jego dobre wsparcie co mecz można było liczyć albo takiego, który coś w wymianie wartościowego mógłby nam dać. Gdyby Lakers poszli na taką wymianę to ofensywnie jesteśmy w niewiele lepszej sytuacji niż rok temu, O'Neal jest lepszy pod tym względem od Lamara, ale nie na tyle żeby różnica była zbyt znacząca, pod względem zbiórek są podobni a tracimy jeszcze dwóch środkowych, których jakoś musimy zastąpić, do tego poza Bryantem i Waltonem czy Radmanem będzie trzech nowych starterów nie znających trójkątów i nie zgranych z resztą.


Lakers na taką wymianę po prostu nie mogą pójść bo byłoby wciąż za dużo dziur i wciaż za mało zbilansowany skład i za mało dobrych defensywnie graczy. Oni po prostu muszą kombinować jak zrobić taką wymianę bez Odoma albo Bynuma bo Lamar z Kobe i O'Nealem to już naprawdę fajny trzon drużyny, defensywnie wiele drużyn ma na pozycji PF graczy, do których krycia zdecydowanie lepiej nadaje się Lamar niż JO, ale ten zawsze jest z tyłu grożąc blokiem no i mamy w końcu dwóch naprawdę dobrych zbierających.


Sky znany z tych zagranicznych stron o Lakers napisał ciekawy tekst o offseason Lakers jak dla mnie gość jest często za dużym pesymistą, ale wiedzy i sporego procenta analiz okazujących się później prawdziwymi nie można mu odmówić więc warto przeczytać bo dość ciekawi jest wszystko przedstawione:

Here’s my annual in-depth look at Laker off-season

possibilities discussing trades, free agency and the draft.

I'll try to hit on key questions and address scenarios that

are coming up on the board.


Key Dates

Lottery: May 23

Draft: June 28

Moratorium: July 1-10

Vegas Summer League: July 6-15 @ UNLV

Free agents can be officially signed on: July 11

Hawaii exhibition games: October 9, 11

1st California x game: Bakersfield October 18 vs. Seattle


1 - Trades


1. How much salary needs to go out in trades?

For trades with teams over the cap the salaries dealt need

to be within 25% plus 100K. Multi-player trades are more

likely than players being dealt solo. Getting just KG or

just JO isn’t very likely, Minnesota or Indy want to attach

bad contracts they can’t get rid of otherwise.


Teams are also reluctant to take more players in than they

send out, usually lack the roster space. So while you can

match salaries in a 5:1 trade to get KG it’s pipe. A 4:2

trade maybe, but if the other team has to take in three more

players than they send out it’s very unlikely to happen. If

you can keep it within two, including draft picks.


2. How much Laker salary has to go out for KG, JO, Gasol,

Kidd, etc?

LA contracts out minimum before July 1 for:

KG: 16.8

KG and a Minny PG: ~21.2

JO: 14.4

JO and Tinsley: 19.2

Gasol: 9.8

Kidd: 14.4

Artest: 5.7


Laker salaries before July 1:

Odom 12.35

Kwame 8.6

Radmanovic 5.2

Cook 1.8 (poison pill contract status, very hard to trade)

Bynum 1.7

Evans 1.62

Sasha 0.97

Farmar 0.94

Turiaf 0.66

#19 pick 1.07 (after signing)


LA contracts out minimum after July 1 for:

KG: 17.6

KG and a Minny PG: 22.4

JO: 15.7

JO and Tinsley: 20.8

Gasol: 10.9

Kidd: 15.7

Artest 6.2


Laker salaries after July 1:

Odom 13.25

Kwame 9.4

Radmanovic 5.6

Bynum 1.8

Cook 1.75 (BYC - counts 3.5 in to other team, 1.75 out for


Evans 1.74

Sasha 1.76

Farmar 1.00

Turiaf 0.77

#19 pick 1.07 (after signing)

S&T possible with free agents: Walton, Mihm, Shammond,

McKie, Smush.


3. Is let them gel an option?

From the LA Times Laker blog: Asked point blank whether the

team can just sit back and wait for Andrew Bynum and Jordan

Farmar to develop, Kobe said, ``No. Something needs to be



Deal or No Kobe, Mondays on NBC before Heroes. Kobe can opt

out summer 2009. Just use the MLE and add a draft pick then

Kobe and Jackson will be furious. Bad idea.


4. Noooooooooo I want to keep Odom, Bynum, Kwame, fill in

the sacred cow. Can they get what they need inside and still

keep my boy?!!!?

KG trades would likely require all three.


Keep Bynum scenario 1 – Odom, Kwame, 19 for JO and Tinsley.

Possible if no one else is willing to take Tinsley off

Indy’s hands. Problem is Isiah wants JO too and he’s never

met a contract he didn’t like. The competition will define

if taking on Tinsley is enough or if Bynum has to be in a

deal to close it.


Keep Bynum scenario 2 – Whatever Odom, Kwame and 19 can get,

which should be a lot.


Keep Odom scenario 1 – Kwame, Bynum and 19 for Gasol. If

Memphis doesn’t get Oden in the draft maybe they consider

this. However if West comes on to LA in a consulting role

Gasol will likely not be considered.


Keep Odom scenario 2 – Kwame, Bynum, Radmanovic, 19 for JO.

Serious reach though. Indy has to keep Tinsley, doesn’t get

Odom, and has to take Radman’s ugly K. Very tall price to

pay just to get Bynum. Very slim chance of happening.


Keep Odom scenario 3 – Fail to get a big and just deal

Bynum, Kwame, 19 and change for whatever they can get. That

can add a quality starter, but probably not the 2-way big

they need most.


Keep Kwame scenario – Bynum, Odom, Radmanovic, 19 for JO and

Tinsley. LA losing both Bynum and Odom while keeping Kwame

is overpaying and goes against what LA, Jackson and Kobe all

want to do. Kwame is an attractive trade piece to both



5. What are the Lakers chances of trading for Kevin Garnett?

Can he opt out and sign here for MLE?

Garnett can’t opt out until summer 2008. As for trades,

Minnesota likely won’t unless KG demands it. Reportedly when

Kobe talked to Jermaine O’Neal he told JO not to make KG’s

mistake. If that report is true sounds like Kobe has already

given up on KG demanding out.


Minnesota papers are claiming Garnett will sit down and talk

contract extension with Glen Taylor.


“Timberwolves owner Glen Taylor won't talk about it, nor

will Kevin Garnett, but the gossip around the Target Center

is that Garnett recently talked to Taylor about a contract

extension. Garnett is signed through next season, then

becomes a free agent.”


Also had this:


“Taylor also said:


• He intends to go forward without trading All-Star Kevin

Garnett, echoing what McHale said last week.”


Doesn’t look good. It’s on Garnett to demand a trade out and

he’s shown no signs of doing that


6. But if Minnesota gets an offer they can’t refuse then


Then he may go to Phoenix. Rumors the Suns may offer Marion,

4th pick and change for KG. Depends on what pick Atlanta

gets in the lottery. If the Hawks are top 3 they keep the

pick, 4 or later it goes to the Suns. Root for the Hawks to

do well in the lottery.


7. Can the Lakers compete with that by offering Bynum?

Bynum, Odom and Kwame can compete, but Minnesota has far

less fan resistance to a Phoenix deal than a trade to the

hated Lakers. Also includes a high lottery pick. The rumored

Suns deal is sexier and easier, but the rumor also goes

against Phoienix plans to avoid the tax.


An LA deal would be something like Bynum, Odom, Kwame, 19

for KG and one of James, Hudson or Jaric. Which would

necessitate landing a center in free agency or trade. Jamal

Magloire with the MLE would be at the top of that list.


But again what’s much more likely is Garnett stays put.

McHale was kept on and this is his last chance to build

around KG. T-Pups will need to be blown away in a trade to

move Garnett.

8. OK then what about Jermaine O’Neal?

JO’s a possibility. Bird will want to put his stamp on a new

team. Marc Stein of ESPN keeps hinting that JO wants to go

to LA and that it can happen. Isiah Thomas says he’ll make a

run at JO as well, but given his relationship with Bird,

good luck Zeke. After the Mavs meltdown Dallas may make a JO

run as well, but rumors have them going after Kidd.


9. Would the Lakers have to give up Bynum to get JO?

Comes down to whether the bidders for O’Neal are all willing

to take Tinsley. New York doesn’t care about bad salaries,

neither does Cuban. So if everyone says yeah we’ll take

Tinsley then LA probably has to offer Bynum to get JO.


10. Does it have to be Tinsley? What about Murphy or


Has to be Tinsley. They’ve tried to deal him for two years,

only way they get rid of him is attaching him to JO. A

buyout would be mighty expensive since Tinsley is under

contract through 2011. Tinsley has off court trouble, has

missed 80 games in three years and he hasn’t played well.

Tinsley is the likely ante to then bid for O’Neal.


11. What would a JO deal look like?

Odom, Kwame and 19 for JO and Tinsley works in salaries and

value, but if Indy demands Bynum instead then it gets very

tricky. The Lakers would probably try a deal that doesn’t

include Odom or Tinsley, offering Bynum, Kwame, Radmanovic

and 19 for JO. If Indy demands Bynum and Odom LA may well

decide that’s just too high a price to pay.


The key is if Indy insists on Bynum and insists on LA taking

Tinsley, then the Lakers can only match salaries by

including Odom. At that point talks fall apart.


To get JO will require sharp negotiation from Kupchak to get

value but not overpay. Bynum, Kwame, Radmanovic and 19 just

for JO; or Odom, Kwame and 19 for JO and Tinsley. Any Indy

requests for Bynum and LA taking Tinsley blow up any deal.


The Lakers can try to take it to a blockbuster by offering

Bynum, Odom, Kwame and 19 for JO, Tinsley and Granger. Total

facelift for Indy though, all the faces of the franchise

are gone, makes it unlikely.


12. What about a deal for Pau Gasol?

Gasol has demanded out regardless of what they do in the

draft. There’s more of a chance at Pau once Jerry West steps

down in Memphis, provided Logo doesn’t then join LA as a

consultant, he’s not high on Gasol.


If Memphis gets Oden, LA could offer Odom and 19 IF they’re

more sold on Gasol than Odom. If Memphis doesn’t land Oden

then Bynum, Kwame and 19 may work. Question is if the Lakers

are sold on Gasol’s toughness, and if he’s enough of a name

to satisfy the need for starpower in LA.


9. How about Camby? Denver wants to avoid luxury tax.

Doubt Denver deals with LA, direct competitors for western

playoff seeds. To get the immediate tax help Denver seeks

they’ll want to trade with a team that has cap room,

Orlando, Charlotte, Milwaukee. Camby could work well in

Orlando teaming up with Dwight Howard.


10. Artest?

On the Maloofs. They don’t want to deal Artest here unless

they have no choice or get a deal they can’t refuse. Isiah

may make an Artest run and has the interchangeable pieces

that could appeal to Sac, especially Channing Frye. If LA

had to compete with that they can try going big with Odom in

a Bibby/Artest deal but I don’t see it. Bibby and Artest

need to be separated and LA won’t deal Odom without getting

a shotblocking inside scoring big in return.


Artest will be a waiting game. If the Kings don’t get any

takers for Artest then LA can make lowball offers like

Kwame, 19 and Sasha for Artest and Salmons, or wait it out

longer and hope Sac buys out Artest and then LA signs him

for MLE.


If New York offers Frye and change and LA commits to making

a serious run at Artest then what? Some here would say

Walton and 19 for Artest, but LA is head over heels for Luke

and definitely want to re-sign him.


Jackson’s latest comments about Dennis Rodman point straight

to wanting Artest. Fits the needs, triangle experience, and

most importantly would not cost Odom or Bynum. First move

is up to the Maloofs.


11. Any other defenders, Josh Smith, Gerald Wallace in S&T?

Smith IS the Atlanta Hawks, carries the team at the gate,

not available. Charlotte has made re-signing Wallace their

top priority. They have no interest in dealing him.


12. What about a second option shooter like Pierce, TMac or

Rashard Lewis?

Pierce has lost the edge off his once complete game, getting

knocked for being too selfish and not taking smart shots.

Kobe needs an inside scorer to balance the floor, Pierce

isn’t the right fit, and he’s owed 75M over the next four

years. TMac is not available. Shard is talking with Seattle

next week, his girlfriend is pregnant and from the pacific

northwest, now he prefers to stay but money will determine

where he goes. Seattle could look to an S&T, but to bring in

a high level point guard, which leaves out LA. They like

Wilcox at 4 so Odom doesn’t do much for them. If Lewis

leaves Ray Allen could go on the block, but LA would have to

give up Bynum to land him.


13. On to the point guards, will LA go after Kidd, Dre,


Kidd would require Bynum or Odom, LA’s unlikely to go big

for small. Dallas is making a run at Jason. Billy King wants

to keep Dre, likes the idea of a vet point leading a group

of kids. Bibby goes back to the Maloofs not being willing to

deal with LA.


14. What about a sign and trade deal for a free agent point

like Billups or Mo Williams?

Very unlikely. Billups is looking for max money or close to

it and if Detroit goes deep into the playoffs Dumars will

pay what it takes to keep Chauncey. Billups goes to most

money, MLE is total pipe. Milwaukee may make an offer to

Billups, but assuming that fails they keep Mo.


15. Who else could be a target?

Portland may shop Zach Randolph. Zebo together with Jarrett

Jack could interest LA. Problem is Zach plays no defense,

isn’t a great passer and has a huge contract. Some have

mentioned Kenyon Martin, but he’s too great a health risk

with that contract. Kirilenko is getting love on the board

but Utah still values him highly and would want Odom or

Bynum. LA passes.


16. So what’s possible?


Bynum, Kwame, Radmanovic, 19 for Jermaine O’Neal and cheap

filler (Williams, Harrison or Greene). Depends on Indy

valuing Bynum very highly, and LA being willing to part with


Odom, Kwame and 19 for Jermaine O’Neal and Jamaal Tinsley

(but only if no one else will take Tinsley).


Kwame, 19 and change could be shopped leaguewide if they

fail to land JO. Hard to say what it could retrieve. Best

case would be Artest and Salmons if Sac had no other offers

and the Maloofs were willing to deal him here. Maybe

Channing Frye and a bad contract from New York. Some talk of

Luke Ridnour or Earl Watson being shipped out with Johan

Petro, but they want a quality point back. Chris Duhon could

be on the block with Sefolosha’s development in Chicago.



Prediction: The Lakers focus on JO and then it comes down to

whether LA will part with Bynum. If so they may have a

deal, if not forget it. imo they'll also watch what happens

with Artest in Sac. If neither of those targets materialize

then Kwame and 19 goes on eBay for best available and LA

weighs the offers, if any. As it stands now imo it's JO or

bust, another home run swing attempt.

Part 2 – Free Agency


17. What can the Lakers spend in free agency?

LA is over the cap and can only use the MLE (Mid-Level

Exception) starting at ~5.2 and the vet minimum (1.2 down

depending on years in the league). The BAE (formerly LLE)

was used on Shammond last year and can’t be used this year.


18. What free agents are too expensive for LA to get?

Chauncey Billups 10 to max

Vince Carter 10 to max

Rashard Lewis 10 to max

Gerald Wallace 8-10

Mo Williams 7-9


19. Payton and Malone signed here for MLE or less, why can’t

someone do that this year?

This is Chauncey’s last chance to get the big bucks and he’s

been underpaid for years. Vince is about himself not rings.

Shard is still young, optimal earning years. Wallace has

yet to be paid more than 5M. Mo is about to get his first

big payday.


20. What’s the story with restricted free agents? Why can’t

LA get them?

If a free agent is restricted his current team can match to

automatically keep him. Even if the player wanted to leave

all his team has to do is match and he stays no matter what.



If the Lakers make an offer to a restricted free agent then

their MLE is tied up, can’t be offered to any other player

until the player’s current team decides to match or not.

Teams have seven days to match and typically milk the time

period dry. Being clinically risk averse, Kupchak is

unlikely to tie up the MLE for a week on the chance that a

team may not match. Most RFAs stay put so Kupchak’s risk

aversion, for once, is justified.


21. So restricted free agents need to be crossed off the

wish list?

Yeah, with just a few exceptions the RFAs that can play are



Quality RFAs expected to stay:

Charlie Bell (Mil)

Andray Blatche (Wash)

Chuck Hayes (Hou)

Jarvis Hayes (Wash)

Ersan Ilyasova (Mil)

Amir Johnson (Det)

Darko Milicic (Orl)

Andres Nocioni (Cle)

Travis Outlaw (Por)

Sasha Pavlovic (Cle)

Anderson Varejao (Cle)


22. Charlie Bell?!? But he’s at the top of my list! Can

Milwaukee still go after the top free agents while giving

Bell MLE money?

Milwaukee only has 36M in committed salary for next year if

Boykins opts out as expected. They can match an MLE offer

for Bell and still have a max slot available.


From a recent online chat with the Bucks beat writer:


I think the possibility of Mo and Charlie Bell coming back

is pretty good. Bell is restricted, so the Bucks can match

any offers, and they really want him back. They also want

Williams, and it could be difficult to land another

front-line point guard if they lose him.


I think Williams and Bell are in the plans. Boykins has a

player option but likely will sign elsewhere. Harris said

Bell will be working out at the point guard spot this summer

and handling the ball as much as possible. He said the plan

is to play him at the point more often next year and as a

backup 2 guard, but not so much at the 3 position where he

is always giving up 4 to 5 inches to the player he is

defending, and is often being posted up.


Sorry guys, looks like you have to let go of the Charlie

Bell pipe. And yeah that does suck out loud.


23. Any restricted free agents that can play who might be


Mickael Pietrus. Nellie isn’t fully sold on him. Word before

the playoffs was they would let Air France walk if he got

an MLE offer. Now they may look to S&T him for a big, or

bring him back given the chemistry they’ve developed.

They’re more committed to re-signing Matt Barnes than

keeping Pietrus, so in theory Mickael could be had.


24. What’s the full free agent list?

Ignore the partially guaranteed salary listings.


25. Anybody else we should cross off wish lists?

Grant Hill. He’s said it’s Orlando, immediate contender, or


26. So who CAN the Lakers get with the MLE?


1. PG

Steve Blake (Den) Unrestricted. The Nuggets want to re-sign

Blake but it’ll cost them MLE money and they want to avoid

the tax. Bidding war will drive up the price. Karl is

pushing management to ante up to keep Blake.


Jason Hart (LAC) Unrestricted. Did a solid job for the

Clips. Good passer, good defender, can hit the open 3, but

he lacks the vet seasoning Jackson prefers. Phil may not

have a choice.


Jannero Pargo (NO) Player option. Jackson loves him.


Keyon Dooling (Orl) Player option. Good size at 6-3, can

shoot when he gets minutes, but a poor passer with a weak

ATO ratio.


Outside of the Box – Derek Anderson (Cha) Unrestricted. A

vet combo guard with solid playoff experience who had a

renaissance in Charlotte this year. Has some point skills, a

10 assist game this year, low turnovers. Had a 29 point

game this year while going 6-8 from 3 . Great size at 6-5.

Can lose some weight after an MLE signing to gain some speed

to defend at 1. Long arms, pretty good defender. Downside:

33 and injury prone. Mr. High Ankle Sprain.


2. SG

Bonzi Wells (Hou) Player option. Only a year removed from

Bonzi owning SA in the playoffs. With consistent minutes he

can be a valuable 6th man on both ends, IF he can keep his

head straight.


Matt Carroll (Cha) Unrestricted. Laker killer has a money 3

shot and can hit his ft’s.


Eddie Jones (Mia) Unrestricted. Still has some left in the

tank. Solid defender, 3 stroke, smart, close to Kobe, but

Shaq wasn’t wrong about EJ disappearing in the playoffs.


Outside of the Box – Kelenna Azubuike (GS) Unrestricted.

Warriors may not have the cash or the roster room to keep

him. Athletic and powerful finisher that can get to the

line, hit 3’s, rebounds well and can defend (played for

Tubby at UK). When he was forced into starting after all the

early injuries he had a 28 point game for the Dubs.

Downside: turnover machine.


3. SF

Ruben Patterson (Mil) Unrestricted. Great year for the

Bucks. Excellent defender, plays with toughness and

intensity LA lacks, triangle experience.


James Posey (Mia) Unrestricted. Clutch player that can hit

3’s and defend, championship experience. Needs consistent

minutes, wasn’t in great shape this year. Heat probably hope

to use him in S&T so he may hold off on signing until he

sees what Miami can do. Popular MLE target so he'll be

looking to start, which definitely hurts LA.


Matt Barnes (GS) Unrestricted. Playing phenomenal ball in

Oakland. Emphasized today he definitely wants to stay and

the Warriors know how important he is to the team and the

chemistry. They’ll use the MLE to keep Barnes.


Desmond Mason (NO) Unrestricted. Proven scorer that can get

to the line and board. Expected to return to Seattle for

their MLE.


Jason Kapono (Mia) Unrestricted. Jackson wanted to draft

him, Kapono was picked just ahead of LA and the Lakers took

Luke instead. Unreal percentage from 3 this year.


Ime Udoka (Por) Unrestricted. Sharp defender, reliable glue

guy for the Blazers, has some tri experience playing for the

Lakers in the SPL.


Morris Peterson (Tor) Unrestricted. Lost his edge and

starting job this year. Inconsistent from 3. May just be too

old now, or could be ready to recommit and come back in

great shape, play great D and stroke 3’s. Risk reward free

agency play.


Big FAs in the next section, along with possible vet min



4. PF


Chris Webber (Det) Unrestricted. Great triangle fit as one

of the best passing bigs in the league, can’t play D though.

Expected to stay with Detroit.


Joe Smith (Phi) Unrestricted. Played well for the Sixers

down the stretch. 14/10 in his last 12 games with minutes,

including a 26 point night and a 17 rebound game.


Antonio McDyess (Det) Player option. Has been healthy and

productive last two years. Will go where he gets money and

minutes. Has a 6.4 option for 2007-08 but then free agency,

may want to opt out to secure a long term contract.


Mikki Moore (NJ) Unrestricted. Had a great year for the Nets

and they want to bring him back. Will take more than a

split MLE to get him in LA.


Melvin Ely (SA) Unrestricted. Limited skills. Owns Odom, but

after that?Not much.


P.J. Brown (Chi) Unrestricted. Probably retires.


Outside of the box – Maceo Baston (Ind) Player option. Not

an MLE player, may want out for more minutes. Effective

shotblocker and rebounder in Europe last year for Maccabi

Tel Aviv.


5. C


Jamaal Magloire (Por) Unrestricted. After being very

overweight most of the year, Mags finally slimmed down at

the end of the year and averaged 10/9/1 for the Blazers in

his final 15 games, including a 3 block game, pair of 16

board games, 19 pointer. Risk reward, who knows what version

of Mags shows up? Native Canadian would like to go to

Toronto, but Brian Colangelo’s Euroball blueprint may not be

a fit for Magloire.


Brian Skinner (Mil) Team option. Bucks jettison him for cap

space. Good rebounder can swat some, not a scoring threat.


Dikembe Mutombo (Hou) Unrestricted. Can still bring the

swats and boards, but can he even play in the tri? Doubtful.



27. Any diamonds in the rough available with vet minimum?

Depends on what picks if any the Lakers keep. Available

roster slots will determine if the Lakers even need to use

vet min. Devean Green and J.R. Pinnock may get second looks.

The market may not give much love to Corliss Williamson or

Bo Outlaw. Corliss had some nice games to close the year

that should push him past vet minimum, but he might take vet

min to contend, leaves out LA though unless they can make

the impact deal. Alan Anderson of Charlotte, good athlete

6-6/220 swingman that can defend and board. Streak shooter,

had a 24 point game in the final week on 10—14 shooting.

Downside is to machine.


28. What are the most likely free agent options for LA?

Steve Blake but he’ll be in a bidding war, Jason Hart,

Kobestopper. Next level for partial MLE: Bonzi, Eddie, and

Derek Anderson as an interesting under the radar combo guard



Jamaal Magloire is frequently mentioned on the boards to

patch a hole at center if Bynum and Kwame go out, but his

lack of passing skills may lead LA elsewhere.


Some will cling tight to the Charlie Bell pipe. Here’s

hoping Kupchak has the guts to pursue a restricted free

agent and Del’s son makes the wrong call as GM that lands

Bell in LA, but it’s a long shot at best.


29. What about holding onto the MLE for players that might

be bought out?

May prove to be a wise call. Buyouts could be coming for

Steve Francis or if LA is very lucky Ron Artest. This

possibility may give LA some pause. If the Lakers fail on

initial targets they may decide to just hold the MLE and see

what shakes out from buyouts.

Part 3 – Draft


30. Will the Lakers even keep the picks?

At the town hall meeting Kupchak emphasized that the Lakers

are not looking to get any younger. The three picks (LA #1,

Charlotte #2, LA #2) are all available in trade and will be

shopped hard. Chances are pick 19 leaves the building, maybe

all three.


31. If they keep the pick, who might the Lakers be

interested in at 19?

Early rumors have LA liking Thaddeus Young of Georgia Tech

and Jeff Green of Georgetown. Young is an Odom clone all the

way down to not having a right. The NASCAR twins, can only

go left. Young is very athletic and long, great clay as the

scouts say but clay is all he has, raw project coming out

after his freshman year. Green is more NBA ready, an

excellent passer, solid defender, can be a capable scorer,

but he went Casper at the worst possible time in the



32. What about Nick Young of USC? We need bench scoring.

If he’s still on the board and LA keeps the pick Young

should get a good look. Can play on both ends but will need

to play more team ball (black hole) and avoid reaching on D

to get in quick foul trouble. Projections have him going at

18 so he could be there.


33. Equal time for UCLA, where does Afflalo go?

Draft Express has him going early 2nd before the Laker pick

(from Charlotte). If they keep the pick and Afflalo is still

there he’d be a great choice, they need his D desperately.

Afflalo’s level of D wouldn’t be as stellar at the NBA

level, he doesn’t have elite athleticism, but he’d be a huge

perimeter D upgrade over anything LA has on the bench now.


34. Who else could be a second round target?

Herbert Hill of Providence, 6-10 eraser.


35. Who might drop n the first round?

Tiago Splitter may drop like a stone. Disappearing act in

the Euroleague Final 4 and buyout concerns with Tau, the

same team that has imprisoned Luis Scola for years. Splitter

may not be able to come to the States for another year,

maybe more. Splitter has lost some athleticism from his

earlier years as a defense wiz, also faced injury problems.

Had some great games in the regular season but the playoff

no show will definitely hurt his stock.


36. Any chance of the Lakers moving up? What if they include

Bynum, how far up could they go?

No one is cracking the top two. Oden and Durant are

franchise players on rookie contracts, the most valuable

commodity in the league. So if those two are untouchables,

LA doesn’t give up Bynum. I’m known for my Horford wood over

the last two years, but for Bynum? Won’t happen. Horford is

exactly what LA needs though, off the charts hoop iq,

shotblocking rebounding machine.



Final Predictions


Trade – IF an impact trade goes down imo it’s a variation of

Bynum, Kwame, Radmanovic, 19 for Jermaine O’Neal and low

salary change, maybe Oriene Greene, a sharp defending 1.

Mighty big if. That fails Kwame and 19 is shopped for

Artest if they get insanely lucky, otherwise a deal for a

mid-level point, maybe Duhon.


Free Agency – If the 1 has to come from free agency, Jason

Hart in another Clipper kidnapping. Though I like the DA

idea. Kobestopper definitely another option.


Draft – Outta here in some trade.


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SALT LAKE CITY -- As Jermaine O'Neal tries to conduct some public damage control about his understood desire to leave the Indiana Pacers, his old teammate, Golden State's Stephen Jackson, says he knows how badly O'Neal wants a trade from Indy.


"I don't think he has any patience (left), but Jermaine is the ultimate professional," Jackson told Yahoo! Sports on Wednesday. "But he wants to get out of there because all of the guys they brought in to build the team around him are gone now. Me, Ron (Artest) and Al (Harrington). I've heard rumors that (Jamaal) Tinsley wants to leave, too.


"I just hope J.O. gets put in the best situation because he is a great player."


O'Neal, 28, is playing semantics with his trade request to Pacers executives. Request? Demand? Whatever he wants to call it, it's been made clear to Donnie Walsh and Larry Bird that the 6-foot-11 All-Star would rather leave than stay. At the top of his list of destinations are the Los Angeles Lakers to join Kobe Bryant and the New York Knicks to be reunited with Isiah Thomas.


"I talked to him a while back, and he was saying that if he did get traded he would want to go to those two teams," Jackson said. "Isiah and Jermaine are good friends. If it does happen, look out East. Him and (Eddy) Curry in the paint are going to be a monster. But him and Kobe will be a monster, too."


With as much success as the eight-player mid-season trade involving Jackson and Harrington has brought Golden State, there is only more pressure on Walsh and Bird to get maximum value for O'Neal.


After finishing 35-47 and missing the playoffs for the first time in a decade, the Pacers appear to be in full rebuilding mode. O'Neal wants no part of starting over with the franchise.


"It's going to have to be the perfect deal (to get O'Neal out), because you know from the deal they made with us (landing Mike Dunleavy and Troy Murphy) it didn't work out for them," Jackson said. "They don't want to make a bad deal again. I think it would have to be a perfect deal.


"Hopefully it works for him because you play so much better when you're somewhere you want to be, in a place where you are wanted. That's why I'm having so much success here, because they've embraced me like a newborn."

:lol: JO pewnei na prośbę Pacers żeby mogli więcej wyrwać za niego ostatnio opowiadał jak to nie zarządał wymiany a tu wyskakuje Jackson i mówi, że on chce odejść i nawet podaje te dwie drużyny, o których się mówiło w sumie potwierdzając wcześniejsze plotki o Knicks i Lakers.


goście z Clublakers nawet stronkę założyli :) - jest tam wczorajszy wywiad z młodym Bussem i gość całkiem sensownie gada, zaprzecza całkowicie, że będzie chronił Bynuma za wszelką cenę i mówi, że jedyny niedostępny w wymianach w zespole to Kobe

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Good thing for the Kings other teams have their own problems to address.


Los Angeles Lakers


Going pedal to the metal, after failing to reach the second round or the playoffs at all for the third time in as many years, isn't just about adding a star to ride shotgun to Kobe Bryant. While that is the obvious part of it, putting them in the middle of any discussion for Kevin Garnett or Jermaine O'Neal, the Lakers on the whole are pushing hard to win now and deal with potential complications later.


The Lakers could offer Kwame Brown in a match of similar salaries. The Kings would inherit the frustration of an enigmatic player unable to grasp his considerable potential, but also the benefit of being able to clear cap space a year earlier than with Artest if Brown did not work out. And if Brown did work out, they would have the inside track on re-signing a talented young center.


The Lakers also could offer Luke Walton in a sign-and-trade, packaged with another, lesser salary (Sasha Vujacic, Maurice Evans, Brian Cook). Artest has superior skills. But Walton has become a good complementary weapon, a smart player who moves the ball, and plugs in to the same spot at small forward.

Całość tutaj, ale trzeba się zalogować



More and more rumors are swirling that the Kings want to trade Artest. Whatever he brings to the team as an individual player he negates with his locker room and off court problems as well as his inability to adapt his style. Petrie may wait to see what the new coaching staff thinks but if they get an acceptable offer he should be out.

Reszta tu:



Coraz więcej plotek że Kings naprawdę myślą o pozbyciu się kłopotu w postaci Artesta. Jeśli Philowi i Kobe uda się utemperować tego gościa to będzie to świetne wzmocnienie, nasza obrona wzmocni się bardzo. Pozyskanie all stara za czapkę gruszek zawsze warte jest ryzyka. Piątka Bynum/Odom/Artest/Kobe/MLE wygląda bardzo solidnie, poza tym możemy jeszcze spróbować wyrwać KG za LO i AB, albo Gasola za Bynuma ale to już trochę bajkopisarstwo i myślenie życzeniowe :wink:

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no no:)

nie powiem ale jestem za. choc teraz trzeba sie zastanowic ktora opcja bylaby lepsza i ktora bardziej odpowiadalaby kings. sam nie wiem czy lepiej postawic na luke'a czy kwame'a. pozytyw kwame jest taki ze za rok konczy mu sie kontrakt. na nowy dla garnetta jak znalazl:) choc luke pokazal na poczatku sezonu ze moze byc z nim ciekawie w przyszlosci.....


generalnie w ten sposob dostajemy wzmocnienie, poprawiamy obrone, przy tym nie tracimy bynuma i odoma. ciekawa sprawa. oczywiscie jest ryzyko. ale w tym przypadku warto to ryzyko podjac. pozostawalaby sprawa PG..... za mle i podpisanie mihma.....

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Mimo, że nie jestem wielkim zwolennikiem Artesta, a raczej jego zachowania, to za Kwame nie ma sie co zastanawiac. Chociaż to kończący kontrakt nadal nie chce mi się wierzyc, że Sacto na to pójdą. Co by nie mówi o Ronie jest wartosciowym zawodnikiem w ataku (jeśli ograniczy głupie rzuty), a w obronie mielibyśmy stopera na obwodoców przeciwnika. Do tego zostaje furtkana pozyskanie All-Stara na PF.


Tylko co można w tym roku wyciągnąc za MLE na PG? :? Możnaby pokombinowac z Vlade, jakimiś pickami za Mo Williamsa, a wtedy ten skłąd zarówno w ataku jak i w obronie mógłby by postrachem ligi. I to przez kilka lat.

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nie jestem pewien czy oddanie Kwame za Artesta to byłby taki dobry pomysł z kilku powodów. Kwame to nasz jedyny duży wygasający kontrakt praktycznie niezbędny gdyby pojawiła się szansa wysłania Bynuma za jakiegoś wysokiego, po drugie jak Lakers ściągnęliby Artesta to gdzie tu byłoby jeszcze miejsce dla Waltona :? jeżeli Artestowi nie odbija a z takim założeniem Lakers by go raczej ściągali to dostaje on 37-38 minut w każdym meczu, przesunać go na dwójkę czy czwórkę żeby zwolnić jakieś minuty też za bardzo nie byłoby jak bo tam grają Kobe i Lamar dostający jeszcze więcej minut. Mamy już zarabiającego 5 baniek za sezon Radmana, Luke dostanie pewnie podobny kontrakt a dla nich dwóch i reszty rezerwowych skrzydłowych jak Ronny, Evans czy ktoś tam jeszcze zostałoby do podziału w sumie może ze 20 minut. Praktycznie niemożliwe byłoby poukładanie tego tak żeby wszyscy byli zadowoleni. Walton to podobnie jak Artest praktycznie wyłącznie SF grający w zupełnie innym stylu inne rzeczy wnoszący, ale to klasyczny niski skrzydłowy. Do tego nasz PF czyli Lamar to też SF/PF a nie PF/C żeby można go było przesuwać na środek robiąc minuty na skrzydle.


Walton to bardzo ważny zawodnik dla tej drużyny jak się mogliśmy przekonać, ale gdyby Lakers wytransferowali jeszcze powiedzmy przed lipcem Kwame do Sacto razem z 19 pickiem to wątpię żeby Luke został w Lakers bo miejsca dla niego po prostu nie będzie więc decydując się na Artesta postarać się zwolnić miejsca na skrzydle z Radmanem i Cookiem pewnie by nie przeszło więc ostatecznie s'n'trade Waltona do Sacto a Kwame zostawić bo jak pisałem Luke pewnie i tak by odszedł więc praktycznie za Artesta oddalibyśmy i jego i Kwame.


Nie wiem pozyskanie Artesta niesie za sobą problemy i nie tylko te oczywiste wynikające z tego jaki on jest, ale równeż to wszystko co napisałem wyżej za Radmana i Cook'a jestem jak najbardziej za, ale w innym wypadku niosłoby to za sobą chyba zbyt wiele komplikacji.

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  • 2 tygodnie później...

Witam wszystkich na tym forum :D czytam was już długo ale jakoś nigdy nie było ani czasu, ani okazji żeby coś napisać :P Piszę bo mam pytanie na temat Jerrego Westa, jak myślicie na ile prawdopodobna jest ta jego ponowna pomoc dla lakers? No i myślę, że oferta phoenix, opisana na (Marion+jakieś zapychacze=Garnett) jest dla nas duzą konkurencją w sprawie ściągnięcia Garnetta i oby to były tylko ploty :twisted:

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2k4 witamy:)

trafiles niestety na taki okres kiedy to wszyscy albo zajeci nauka(sesja) albo odpuscili wszystko co zwiazane z koszem i lakers do..... draftu. tak wiec niech cie nie zmyli brak nowych postow na forum. wszystko zostalo poki co przedyskutowane. a juz niedlugo sie zacznie:) tymczasem delektuj sie pogaoda:)

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