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Oczywiście ranking w dużym stopniu bazuje na statystykach i nigdy nie powie całej prawdy o wartości zawodnika jako obrońcy (tak jak IBM czy inny statystyczny ranking nie zrobi tego odnośnie wpływu zawodnika na drużynę). Ale jakby nie patrzeć w tym zestaweniu nie ma wielu pomyłek, co właśnie sprawia, że jest bardzo ciekawy.


Wiemy, jaka opinie ma Francis, a tymczasem to 7-my najlepszy defensywnie PG?

Problemem Francisa jest to, że gra zrywami, zarówno w ataku jak i w obronie, a to sprawia, że momentami daje się ogrywać jak dziecko. Poza tym wiele meczów zaczyna zbyt agresywnie, szybko łapie 2 faule i musi mocno spuścić z tonu. Ale jeśli oglądałbyś tylko 4 kwarty w jego wykonaniu miałbyś z pewnością wątpliwości co do tej opinii o której mówisz. Może i nie zasługuje na to, żeby być na 7-mym miejscu, ale na pewno nie zasługuje też, aby być w dolnej części tabelki.
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Te wszystkie "ogólne" statystyki są generalnie warte pietruszki, najlepszy przykład to Efficiency ranking, który można stosować właściwie tylko dla graczy wysokich [PF-C]. Poza tym, może to są banały, ale jest multum rzeczy, których w statystykach nie widać, wyznacznikiem dobrej obrony nie jest ilość przechwytów i bloków, tylko takie rzeczy jak zmniejszenie skuteczności przeciwnika, zwiększenie strat, zmniejszenie liczby zdobywanych punktów, a takich rzeczy jakoś w statystykach nie figurują.


Poza tym pozycja Prince'a jest śmieszna, jak dla mnie jest to ścisła czołówka ligi jeśli chodzi o obrońców, także takie rankingi są kompletnie niemiarodajne.

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Mrs. and Mrs. Christie :lol:


At each home game that Doug plays, Christie is in the stands. She doesn't just stand by her man. She talks to him, constantly, throughout the game, through a steady repertoire of prearranged hand signals.


And he talks back, gesturing to her sometimes even as he's dribbling the basketball or after grabbing a rebound.


As Jackie Christie told The New York Times, "When I make this sign, it means, `Drive to the hole.' When I make this sign, it means, `Smile, because you look a little sad on the bench.' He started making this sign and said, 'This means I love you,' and it developed from there.' "


Reporters who covered one of Doug's former teams, the Toronto Raptors, kept track one game of how many times the player signaled his wife. The final tally was 62.


She sends a note to him in the locker room before every game. He sends her one back.


According to the Times story, Jackie also attends 25-30 of Doug's 41 road games per season. As he rides on the team bus to the game, Jackie follows in a car behind, while the two talk to each other on their cell phones.


If a female reporter wants to interview her husband, Jackie has told team officials that she must be present. Some female reporters are not allowed to talk to her husband at all, the HBO report said.


Jackie Christie has also "intervened" when female fans have tried to get Doug's autograph. Some newspaper stories have reported that Doug is not allowed to look at or make eye contact with other women.


Jackie told the Times that that's not true but, "I would prefer that he didn't.""


"I just felt I needed to protect my territory in the beginning," Jackie said. "So I had a lot of issues. I have a jealous bone in my body, yes. It's probably as big as me. I'm very easygoing until I feel a threat."


And therein lies the concern if, in fact, Mr. and Mrs. Christie will soon be joining the Mavericks. What in Jackie Christie's jealous eyes constitutes a threat?


This media market abounds in female sports reporters - women who have performed professionally and impressively on every professional sports beat in this area. No player's wife has the power to deny these women the right to perform their jobs.


More than that, Mrs. Christie's insinuation is demeaning. Her actions imply that every woman, even the married NBA reporters that she has "banned,"" want to steal away her husband.


Certain to complicate things, too, is that the Mavericks themselves have a respected, professional public relations director who happens to be a woman -- Sarah Melton.


Doug Christie, who is 35, would be playing for his sixth NBA team. The number can't just be a coincidence.


Just two or three seasons ago, when the Mavericks could have used a younger Christie's rare dash of defense, and before the curious tale of his marriage was made so public, the notion of acquiring him for $3 million would have been a no-brainer.


Now, there's a report that the VH1 network wants to build a TV reality show around the Christies. The NBA reportedly has already given its approval to bring in the cameras.


Johnson is preaching defense, but the Mavericks would be wise to think this one completely through.


Słyszałem, że Doug jest trzymany na krótkiej smyczy, ale żeby aż tak :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Riley puts Van Gundy to the test ... id=2140182


Czytając ten artykuł ESPN, jedna sprawa wydała mi się ciekawe to, że teraz Heat będą najczęściej ze wszystkich drużyn na pierwszych stronach gazet, i to niekoniecznie ze względu na swoje zwycięstwa, każde słowo, gest wydarzenie będzie rozdmuchiwane bo tym media żyją, jeśli Heat nie będa grali jak powinni zaraz będzie masa takich artykułów jak ten sugerujących, że lada chchwila Stan straci robotę, że atmosfera jest do bani itd.


Uwaga nie jest już skupiona na Lakers i tym co się u nich dzieje, bo wiele osób nie bierze ich nawet pod uwagę jako jednego z ewentualnych uczestników PO więc kogo obchodzi co się dzieje w drużynie przeciętniaków jeśli nie będą grać dobrze to z ich przeciwników nikogo to specjalnie nie zdziwi, po beznadziejnym zeszłym sezonie, wszystko się z czasem nudzi także jechanie na Lakers przez media zwłaszcza, kiedy nie są na topie.


Heat natomiast mają walczyć o tytuł, pojawiły się już wcześniej spekulacje o przejęciu drużyny przez Pata, ściągnęli graczy, którzy nie są łatwi do wpasowania do drużyny mierzącej w mistrzostwo, Shaq coś narzekał, że musi dostawać więcej piłek, Wade mówil jak to przyjście Williamsa pozwoli mu więcej rzucać teraz każda nawet mała sprawa gdyby np. Shaq raz krzywo spojrzał w kierunku ciskającego cegły Walkera zdjęcie od razu pojawi się na głównej stronie ESPN z odpowiednim komentarzem.


Aha Szaku czy kto tam jeszcze to jest kolejna moja krytyka Heat, tylko teraz oni są na świeczniku, na nich skierowana będzie uwaga szukających sensacji mediow. W zeszłym sezonie kiedy haq przychodził do Miami czyli drużyny, w której Wade nie miał jeszcze statusu supergwiazdy, reszta to byli starzejący się Eddie Jones i banda role players nie sprawiających kłopotów, teraz do Shaqa i już gwiazdora Wade'a dołączają gracze o dość znanych (niekoniecznie z dobrej strony ) w lidze nazwiskach, presja i oczekiwania będą zdecydowanie większe, dodatkowo mimo wszysko trener nie będzie mógł do końca być pewnym swojej posady a media będą podgrzewać amtosferę.


PS. nie byłem pewny czy pisać to wszystko w tamtym temacie o wymianie, nie ma żadnego zbiorczego o Miami więc z linkiem do artykułu wrzucam tutaj :)

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Znalazłem wklejony tekst z ESPN Insidera, Chad Ford typuje to jakie miejsca zajmą drużyny konferencji zachodniej, nie wiem, co chwila jakieś podsumowania lata się pojawiają, teraz już w ogóle typy z Queens na drugim miejscu na zachodzie :lol:. Jak dla mnie to kilka tygodni za wcześnie na takie podsumowania i typowania, ale jakby kogoś interesowało.


For the past five years, the Western Conference teams have dominated the East.


This looks like the year the pendulum starts swinging the other way. Only two teams in the West, the Kings and Rockets, significantly upgraded while several playoff teams -- the Mavs, Grizzlies and Suns -- were significantly weakened this summer.


That leaves room for cellar dwellers such as the Warriors to finally break through, while the dream may be over for former Cinderellas such as the Grizzlies.


Insider breaks down how this summer's moves will likely reshuffle the standings in the West next season.


Ford's Projected 2005-06 Western Conference Standings



Major additions: Nick Van Exel, Fabricio Oberto

Major subtractions: None

The skinny: The world champs won in convincing fashion last year, and they come back to defend their title with every key player still on their roster. The addition of Oberto, one of the top big men in Europe in the last five years, only strengthens them. As long as Tim Duncan, Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili stay healthy, they're the team to beat. If they also somehow get their claws on Michael Finley, everyone is in for a world of trouble.



Major additions: Shareef Abdur-Rahim, Bonzi Wells, Jason Hart

Major subtractions: Cuttino Mobley, Bobby Jackson, Greg Ostertag

The skinny: It looks like the window never closes completely in Sacramento. Just when it looked like time to write off the Kings for good, GM Geoff Petrie had a stellar summer and the Kings suddenly look very formidable again. Their starting five (Mike Bibby, Peja Stojakovic, Brad Miller, Abdur-Rahim and Wells) is terrific. And for the first time in several years, they have a very solid bench, with Kenny Thomas, Corliss Williamson and Brian Skinner anchoring up front and Hart in the backcourt. If either second-year guard Kevin Martin or rookie Francisco Garcia step up, the Kings will have the ammunition to give the Spurs a run.



Major additions: Kurt Thomas, Raja Bell, Boris Diaw, Brian Grant

Major subtractions: Joe Johnson, Quentin Richardson, Nate Robinson, Steven Hunter

The skinny: The Suns literally ran away with the West last season, but major changes threaten to end some of the fun. Losing Johnson was an especially tough blow. Not only was he the team's best 3-point shooter, but he was also the primary backup at the point for Steve Nash. Thomas, Bell, Diaw and Grant all add defensive toughness, something the Suns sorely lacked last season. But to get it, you've got to wonder if the Suns traded away the critical elements that made them special last year. I doubt they'll be nearly as good (or entertaining) during the regular season. But if the toughness pays off in the playoffs, GM Bryan Colangelo doesn't care.



Major additions: Stromile Swift, Derek Anderson, Luther Head

Major subtractions: Clarence Weatherspoon

The skinny: Jeff Van Gundy has been complaining about his backcourt ever since he got to Houston and now he has eight players to hold up the ship. Anderson and Head are the two most important new additions at guard, but the impact might pale in comparison to the big athletic guy they got to play alongside Yao Ming. Swift has been an enigma his entire career -- superstar talent, subpar work ethic. If Van Gundy can get consistent effort out of him (remember, two pretty good coaches, Hubie Brown and Mike Fratello, couldn't), the Rockets could be poised to take a major step forward in the West. But even at half-speed, Swift remains a significant shot blocking and rebounding force in the middle.



Major additions: Julius Hodge, Linas Kleiza

Major subtractions: None

The skinny: New head coach George Karl worked miracles with the Nuggets toward the end of last season. But Denver is still a stellar shooting guard away from being a legit contender. Hodge was a good draft pick, but his ugly shot won't help the Nuggets in the 3-point department. GM Kiki Vandeweghe has been working the phones all summer, but has come up empty in his pursuit of a veteran two guard. The Nuggets are now flirting with Latrell Sprewell. That should tell you how desperate they've become.



Major additions: Ike Diogu, Chris Taft

Major subtractions: None

The skinny: No one has been tougher than I have been on the Warriors for the past six years. New GM Chris Mullin got off to a shaky start last summer when he signed Derek Fisher and Adonal Foyle to ridiculous deals. But since then, his moves have been stellar. Adding Baron Davis at the trade deadline had an amazing effect on the team. Then Mullin followed it up with one of the best drafts of the summer. Diogu could give the Warriors a much-needed Elton Brand-esque presence in the paint. With the improvement of Jason Richardson, Troy Murphy and Mike Dunleavy last season, the Warriors could be on the verge of a big jump in the West. If everyone stays healthy (always a big if for Davis), the Warriors' long playoff drought will end.



Major additions: Doug Christie

Major subtractions: Michael Finley

The skinny: The Big Three is now just the Big One. Luckily for the Mavs, the remaining player of the trio happens to be the best -- Dirk Nowitzki, but he'll have an even bigger load to carry. Once upon a time, the Mavs were a fun run-and-gun team. Now, with Avery Johnson at the helm, it looks like they're getting serious about defense. Christie, Jason Terry, Erick Dampier and Josh Howard can all be tough defenders. If Marquis Daniels can jump back from an off year, if Devin Harris can prove he's ready to handle the point and if the Mavs can get something out of one of their three project centers (D.J. Mbenga, Pavel Podkolzin and DeSagana Diop) the Mavs will still be formidable. But that's an awful lot of ifs for a team that once had aspirations for a championship.



Major additions: None

Major subtractions: Antonio Daniels, Jerome James

The skinny: The Sonics were the surprise team in the West last year. We picked them to finish last and instead, they finished third. Can the magic continue? There are a lot of factors working against a Sonics Cinderella repeat. Head coach Nate McMillan is gone. Daniels, a key reserve and the team's best perimeter defender, bolted for Washington. One other key free agent, Vladimir Radmanovic, remains unsigned. The Sonics' success had a lot to do with great chemistry and coaching. With McMillan gone and the team visibly weaker, you've got to wonder how far Ray Allen, Rashard Lewis and Luke Ridnour can actually take them. In other words, an eighth seed might be too generous, especially if they lose Radmanovic.



Major additions: Marko Jaric, Rashad McCants

Major subtractions: Sam Cassell, Latrell Sprewell, Fred Hoiberg

The skinny: Last season was a disaster in just about every way imaginable. GM Kevin McHale had to fire his best friend, Flip Saunders, and take the team over himself with mediocre results. McHale has worked hard to purge his team of his two prize acquisitions two years ago -- Cassell and Sprewell. In their place is Jaric, a versatile, big guard who plays with great toughness and intensity and McCants, one of the most talented (and troubled) players in this year's draft. Will they be enough to get the Wolves back to the playoffs? We'll see. The team still lacks a decent center and a veteran two guard should McCants not be ready to step up.



Major additions: Sam Cassell, Cuttino Mobley

Major subtractions: Bobby Simmons, Marko Jaric

At the end of the 2004-05 regular season, I was convinced the Clippers were on the verge of the playoffs this upcoming season. Now, not so much. Had the team kept Simmons and Jaric (and drafted Danny Granger instead of Yaroslav Korolev), I think they would've been a serious playoff team. With Mobley and Cassell on the team, I wonder if Elton Brand and Corey Maggette will ever see the ball again. The Cassell trade is the biggest head scratcher. Cassell poisoned his team last year. With Shaun Livingston looking like the brightest star to come out of the Clippers in a long time, why risk poisoning him with Cassell? Once again, the Clippers looked to be on the verge of something special and found a way to screw it up.



Major additions: Kwame Brown, Aaron McKie

Major subtractions: Caron Butler, Chucky Atkins, Brian Grant

The skinny: The Lakers are, without a doubt, the hardest team in the league to place right now. Can Phil Jackson fix everything that went wrong in L.A.? Will Kobe Bryant respond to his coaching and start sharing the ball? Will Brown, playing on a two-year deal, finally live up to his potential? Who's going to play point guard? Will high school rookie Andrew Bynum be ready to contribute in the middle? If all of these issues work themselves out, the Lakers will be back in the hunt for the playoffs. If they don't, the Lakers' soap opera might rival what will go on in New York this season.


12. JAZZ

Major additions: Deron Williams, Greg Ostertag

Major subtractions: Kirk Snyder, Curtis Borchardt, Raul Lopez

The skinny: Last year we thought the Jazz could be as high as a sixth seed in the West. A major injury to Andrei Kirilenko destroyed any chance of the Jazz's competing for the playoffs. Now that he's healthy, why aren't the Jazz back atop the list? Especially with the addition of Williams to run the point? They might be. If Kirilenko and Matt Harpring can stay healthy and Mehmet Okur shows up to camp in shape, the Jazz could be sleepers again. Then again, given the stiff competition in the West, it's a tough bet.



Major additions: Eddie Jones, Bobby Jackson, Damon Stoudamire, Hakim Warrick

Major subtractions: Stromile Swift, Jason Williams, James Posey, Bonzi Wells, Earl Watson

The skinny: Last year the Grizzlies were the deepest team in the league. But after losing five critical players (two starters and three key reserves) it's hard to believe that the Grizzlies can keep up the success. Jones is on the downside of his career. Stoudamire and Jackson are both shooting guards masquerading as point guards. Warrick has talent, but he's not ready yet. The bottom line is that the Grizzlies have less talent than they did last year. While it might help a bit in the chemistry department, look for the win column to take a big hit.



Major additions: Martell Webster, Juan Dixon, Sergei Monia

Major subtractions: Shareef Abdur-Rahim, Damon Stoudamire, Derek Anderson, Nick Van Exel

The skinny: The Blazers have one of the brightest young squads in the league and one of the league's best coaches in Nate McMillan, but they will be in over their heads in the West this year. Losing four veterans and replacing them with three rookies and a lifelong reserve probably won't translate into wins this season. The good news is that the Blazers look loaded for the future. Zach Randolph has already arrived -- and will improve when he starts to share the ball. Travis Outlaw looked awesome this summer. Sebastian Telfair is improving. If the Blazers get the long-range shooting from Webster and Monia and the toughness in the paint from Joel Przybilla, they'll be tough ... eventually. But their fans are going to have to be patient.



Major additions: Chris Paul, Arvydas Macijauskas, Kirk Snyder

Major subtractions: Dan Dickau

The skinny: The Hornets have had a decent summer, but it won't be enough to lift them out of the cellar in the West. Paul has a chance to be the top point guard in the league someday. Pair him with J.R. Smith and Jamaal Magloire (assuming he doesn't demand a trade) and the Hornets have a nice core. Macijauskas, Snyder, Chris Andersen and Speedy Claxton all are solid reserves. Another year in the lottery and a decent free agent signing next summer and the Hornets should be movin' on up. But this year, expect more misery.


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Nie wiem czy ciekawy, i czy można to nazwać artykułem, ale niech będzie:

NBA ALL-Poison Team :) ... ent.1.html




PG-Stephon Marbury

SG-Kobe Bryant

SF- Darius Miles

PF- Chris Webber

C-Michael Olowokandi




PF-Kwame Brown

C-Jerome James

SF-Tim Thomas

PF-Carlos Boozer

PG-Allen Iverson

PG-Jeff McInnis

SG-Jalen Rose


Trener -Sam Mitchell


:lol: Lakers i Sixers mają po dwóch przedstawicieli, ale tak nawet idąc tokiem rozumowania autora nie bardzo rozumiem co robi w składzie Jerome James :? A gdzie w tym zestawieniu Antoine Walker :?: gdzie Jason Williams :?: , gdzie Gary Payton :?: , gdzie Sh.., nie gdzie jest Miami Heat :?: :wink:

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dobre :) tu są jeszcze wcześniejsze: ... nk05-1.htm ... nk05-2.htm ... nk05-3.htm ... nk05-4.htm

co ciekawe w tym pierwszym było

"INDIANA They've played six games without Ron-Ron going crazy. Only 20 more to go. I can't wait." hah, nie wytrzymali dwudziestu :)

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szukalem czy bylo...nie znalazlem...moze przeoczylem.


NEXT JORDANS troche z hmm nie wiem...ja to traktuje z przymruzeniem oka choc w sumie prawde rzecze ten koles...Pennyego opisuje lekcewazaco dlatego nie sadze ze zna sie na koszu:P bazuje na statsach i o tym co sie mowi...a przedewszystkim o tym co sie dzieje teraz z zawodnikami

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