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Cleveland Cavaliers 2018/19 - Purgatorium


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Ja liczę iże LeBron wróci do Cleveland na białym koniu i za srebrniki zarobione nad Pacyfikiem kupi upadających Cavaliers od Gilberta za okazyjną  cenę.,Zresztą nigdy w historii lig zawodowych żaden klub nie stracił tak dużo na wartości w ciągu jednego dnia.,

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No to udowodnij że jest inaczej w takim razie :smile:

Griffin w PO - 22/9/4 na skuteczności 49/31/73 (55TS,21.5 PER)
Love w PO - 15/10/2 na skuteczności 40/40/85 (55TS,17.7 PER)
Nie jestem fanem żadnego z nich, ale BG to jednak lepszy gracz niż KL.
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Griffin w PO - 22/9/4 na skuteczności 49/31/73 (55TS,21.5 PER)
Love w PO - 15/10/2 na skuteczności 40/40/85 (55TS,17.7 PER)
Nie jestem fanem żadnego z nich, ale BG to jednak lepszy gracz niż KL.



szkoda klawiatury,df. zrozum,kazdy grajek pistons jest i bedzie c***owy,bo jest z motown! plai and simple! nie wyczailes tego jeszcze?!... 

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szkoda klawiatury,df. zrozum,kazdy grajek pistons jest i bedzie c***owy,bo jest z motown! plai and simple! nie wyczailes tego jeszcze?!...

ale jemu chyba chodzilo o to, ze zadnej kampanii nie dogral w zdrowiu, czyli c***owy na zdrowiu, pozytek zaden, ergo gorszy gracz
az tak Ci smutno bez JRa w lineupie? : ]


swoja droga dwie klasy lepij jak koniec 2013/14

Edytowane przez memento1984
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Ktos skladnie podsumowal calkiem dobry podcast nt cavs:



Vardon and McMenamin were notified by LeBron's camp (or maybe the Cavs camp. They were vague on this) on Thursday, before lebron opted out, that the Lakers decision was pretty much a done deal.

Immediately after the 2016 Championship, someone important in LeBron's camp told Vardon that LeBron's next plan was to go to the Lakers to 'play with his friends' (Vardon believes the 'friends' part meant the banana boat)

Kyrie never made strong relationships within the Cavs organization/FO, both before and while LeBron was in CLE. Kyrie didn't like Mike Brown because Larry Hughes, a client of Kyrie's agent, already had a bad relationship with Brown. There was also serious debate within the Cavs to choose Dion Waiters over Kyrie at one point.

Kyrie didn't like Lue very much, especially after Ty Lue told the media that "players need to put their brands aside", meaning Love and Kyrie need to stop worrying about endorsements and trust LeBron to lead the team. Ty Lue admitted to Dave McMenamin that Kyrie has treated him like a stranger since day 1 and that it is 'impossible to break through to him'. (which may have been why Kyrie made those remarks this year about coaching styles)

Kyrie did not appreciate LeBron questions directed at him. McMenamin was writing a story about LeBron's improved 3 point shot but Kyrie was annoyed when he approached him about any noticeable changes in LeBron's technique. The media also made a deal about LeBron wearing the "I can't breathe" shirts, despite Kyrie being the one to wear it first. All 3 reporters believe this clearly bothered Kyrie.

Lloyd approached Lebron at the start of this past season and told him that 'you and Kyrie hid the poor status of the relationship very well the past few years' and LeBron agreed (although Lloyd could not reveal the exact quote)

Kyrie and his camp considered leaving after the championship but decided otherwise. Kyrie's father wanted a bigger role in the organization and did not appreciate LeBron's friend, Randy Mims, having a position within the organization.

A big reason why Kyrie wanted out of CLE last year is because he felt the team was built to support LeBron's strengths, and if LeBron left, Kyrie would only be left with those parts that benefitted LeBron's game. Kyrie also told FO that he would opt for surgery if they didn't trade him last year.

The flat earth drama really bothered Kyrie. Didn't like that he was receiving attention now instead of about more serious topics (political and social) like Lebron

LeBron and Love's relationship was rocky in the very first year because Love came to camp out of shape.

Kyrie did not talk to any of his teammates between last years Indiana and Toronto series.

The most dejected the reporters have ever seen LeBron after a game was after Game 6 Finals in 2015. Lebron sat at his locker for about an hour with a towel over his head. The second most dejected was after Game 1 this year. After winning two Game 7's, hitting 2 buzzer beaters, beating higher seeds, with a new team and without Kyrie, scoring 51 points against the Warriors, all the air went out of him.

LeBron did not just hit the whiteboard once. He bashed at it several times.

The JR Smith soup throwing story is one of ESPN'S top 10 stories of the year. They believe the thing that started the drama may have just been simple teasing or a shooting competition that escalated

Wade played a major role in the mid-season team meeting. Cavs felt like locker room was irreparable after that and was a reason he was shipped back to Miami

LeBron would always talk to McMenamin about LA (Hotspots and restaurants), as Dave used to cover the Lakers. Lloyd joked with LeBron throughout the year about him leaving after this season but LeBron genuinely seemed unsure of his decision

Cavs had two players on their radar during the draft. Trae Young, who Gilbert wanted, and Sexton who most of the organization wanted. They had considered Porter until his medical records came out.

They believe after Klay's remarks after Game 4 about basketball being a "man's game", LeBron's demeanor shifted entirely. Lebron was in a good mood during shootaround that morning until he heard about those comments

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Nie mam pojecia kto tam biegal po drugiej stronie w meczu SL z wizz, ale Zizic, Cedi fajny mecz, Sexton chyba na plus - ciagnie na kosz jak rolnik doplaty. Z midrangeu niech sobie da spokoj i cwiczy/paluje trojki.

Na tym bezkrolewiu troche za duzo solidnych mlodych prospektow na pozycji klocek - nance, zizic, tt. Zaden nie rzucajacy a chyba ze dwoch bedzie razem gralo co mecz 20+ minut.

Fani lat 90tych cali w ekskrementach!

Dopisac na kartke tego klocka Polaka co lysial po koledzu i nikt go nie wzial rok temu - forum enba eksploduje

Edytowane przez memento1984
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Zizic jak szaleje, a na forach cisza.

25pts, 11rb. W mediach jakis pionek z bulls. FTFY!

Około połowę punktów nabił na jakimś gościu nazwiskiem Long, kolejnych kilka zdobyl przez blędy w rotacji w obronie (w końcu bulls grali 1szy raz w takim składzie). Ale nadal to byl fajny mecz Ante, powinien dostać szanse. W obronie low post nawet dawał rade.

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Jakies plotki nt Hooda w kings. Jak wam sie wydaje, jaka oferta jest rozsadna dla obu stron? Czy hood zrobi psikusa i zrobi laske na jakims jednoroczniaku zeby wziac udzial w nastepnej bonanzie za rok, czy jakis deal 48/4?

Jak go podpisza cavs, to mam wrazenie, ze ktos love/korver mowi dowidzenia.

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Jakos nie do konca wierze w placenie luxtaxu, jesli np hood by dostal od kings to mityczne 80/4 a cavs by zmatchowalo. Wtedy cavs laduja w salary hell ~124kk $ i maja chyba jeszcze 2 spoty do wypelnienia. All set and done i maja salary level jak rok temu a nie ma jamesa. W zasadzie beda probowali chyba sie kogos pozbyc nawet jakby hood podpisal jakis maly kontrakt. Mowi sie o korverze. Przydaloby sie spuscic np jakis expiring, szczegolnie JR, TT jest nie do oddania a Lovea szkoda

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Można zaorać Cavs, gdyby po pierwsze wybrali Hooda over Love, a po drugie myśleli o wyrównaniu lub daniu takiego kontraktu krokodylowi. 


Koleś był non factorem, mimo 25 minut na mecz, nie zasługuje na więcej, niż 10 mln za sezon. PO go zweryfikowały. 

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