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Random shit 2014/2015


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No nie do końca sie zgodzę bo jednak zmienił rotację , wyciął izo grę ( oczywiście jak sie posiada Stefka to zawsze idzie się po złoto- k.... jakim cudem on poszedł w drafcie tak nisko to ja nie wiem) i to raczej są jego autorskie pomysły a nie asystentów



po pierwsze to:


May 8, 2009

Stephen Curry had little opportunity to be efficient, since he was doing enough shooting for three people at Davidson.


Curry’s 31.9 possessions per game is highest usage of any player in the draft this season. Its 50% higher than any other point guard not named Lester Hudson. With that in mind, it is important to take his average .94 PPP with a grain of salt, since it is representative of the load he carried and not the role he will play in the NBA. Curry took 5.4 catch and shoot jumpers per game, and his 1.15 PPP with a hand in his face and 1.33 PPP when left open both land him well above average. In terms of his shooting off the dribble, Curry took 11.6 pulls up jumpers per game, more shots than some players took in total.


Projecting him to the next level, Curry is an interesting case. He’s likely to do a lot of his damage in spot up situations in the NBA, but got only 8.9% of his possessions off of spot ups last seasons. He’s not likely to use a lot of one-on-one possessions, but he used 8.6 per game last season (1st). Averaging 8.3 isolations per game (68.3% Left), Curry probably won’t sniff half that number next season. In terms of guard play, his 41% shooting in transition ranks second to last, showing how hard he was pressing to score, but his 1.3 PPP on the pick and roll is excellent—which leaves a lot of room for optimism. He did use 2.6 possessions per game as a jump shooter running off of screens, so he does have a nice base of experience there, but it is notable how far apart Curry’s role in the NCAA was from the role he is likely to play in the NBA.


Problemem w dniu draftu była bardzo krucha budowa ciała, obecność na słabym uniwerku gdzie grał za 3 i nie wierzono że to samo można robić w NBA


dodatkowo grał na 41% FG co budziło watpliwość czy w lepszej NBA wyjdzie z 40%..


po drugie mimo wszystko były 3 prospekty znacznie lepsze!!!



#1 Griffin ( no brainer pick #1)


bestia w dniu draftu


Not only did Griffin garner the most possessions of any PF in the draft at finishing around the basket per game (7.9), but he's also the #1 finisher as well, connecting on an outrageous 75.5% of his short range attempts, not including post ups. While his overall points per possession (PPP) of 1.08 ranks fourth, thanks to the fact that he's fouled on 18.5% of his possessions, has finished 51 of his 61 attempts in transition, and ranks amongst the best finishers when cutting to the rim at 1.52 PPP. Athleticism, strength, and tenacity aside, those numbers alone go a long way towards explaining why he's such a coveted prospect considering he's managed to generate 20.2 total possessions per game (good for 3rd on our list) while still getting the job done in the post (53% on 7.9 Pos/G).”



#2 Harden 


Very efficient, while maintaining fairly high usage rates, Harden made 47% of his shots in logged possessions –an excellent percentage for a two. None of the 5 players who used as many possessions as Harden (Marcus Thornton,Jermaine Taylor,Jodie Meeks,Jerel McNeal,Dar Tucker) were as efficient as he was from the field. Out of those players, only Meeks' PPP was higher than Harden’s, thanks to how many 3's he made, while Thornton matched him at 1 PPP.

A lot of Harden’s efficiency comes from an area that most probably wouldn’t expect it to. In spite of his perceived athletic limitations, Harden was a terrific finisher around the basket this season. Not only did he get to the rim more than any other player on our list (8.7 Pos/G), he ranked in first comfortably at 1.25 PPP. Considering the questions surrounding his ability to translate his finishing ability to the NBA, these numbers can only help his cause. Ironically, they don’t seem to offer much support for one of his bigger perceived strengths.


# 3 Ricky R


talent z Europy


ubio is one of the best pick and roll players you'll find in basketball today, NBA or not. According to Synergy Sports Technology's quantified report, an astounding 62% of his offensive possessions come in this fashion. His ability to deliver crisp, perfectly timed passes directly into the hands of a cutting teammate for an easy basket is uncanny, as he makes the game so incredibly simple, doing everything but put the ball into the net for them. It's exactly this type of court vision and feel for the game that has produced comparisons toSteve Nash, even if their perimeter shooting and defensive skills couldn't be any more different. He has a similar ability to change speeds with the ball and simultaneously see every inch of the court, not hesitating for an instant to deliver a bullet pass underneath the rim for an easy layup.


What made this particular game more noteworthy than the previous times we saw him was Rubio's willingness to put Joventut on his back and carry them with his scoring. With the shot-clock running down, Rubio put his ball-handling skills on full display, slashing apart the defense with a beautiful crossover and finishing strong around the basket in traffic, sometimes with a nifty floater. Unable to use his right hand for the first few weeks following his wrist injury, Rubio has improved his ability to create with his left, which has made him a more dangerous player. One NBA scout we spoke to after the game astutely pointed out that Rubio could develop into an even better scorer in the NBA than he is here, as the improved spacing and strict rules about hand-checking on the perimeter will greatly favor his style of play.


Rubio's perimeter shooting remains very much a concern, as highlighted by the 0-4 he shot in this particular game. He is shooting 42% from beyond the arc on the season thus far, but that's on a very small sample size (8/19). His mechanics still look poor, and he's especially dreadful shooting the ball off the dribble—which is a big reason why he was forced to pass the ball in the game's decisive possession (resulting in two free throws for Eduardo Hernandez Sonseca, one of which he fatally missed) rather than try to score himself. Rubio has become fairly decent spotting up with his feet set, but NBA scouts will want to see more to be totally convinced.


od poczatku były dwa problemy z Rubio - decyzja czy przyjdzie do NBA i rzut... reszta w dniu draftu przemawiała za Katalończykiem a także nieprzypadkowo takie Minny go wybrało aby ozywić okolicę dodatkowo szukając białego idola


dyskusyjne jest stawianie na Evansa ale w tamtym roku (2009) wykazano ze Tyreke do dużo LEPSZY prospekt, z atletycznością i size'em pod NBA niż Steph...


“It's pretty obvious what Evans offers as a prospect, as he's one of the premier shot-creators in the country, despite being only 19 years old. His combination of strength, aggressiveness and scoring instincts is almost unparalleled at this level, and should translate to the NBA level effectively when you consider his terrific footwork, body control, and hesitation moves. He does an excellent job pushing the ball up the floor in transition, can create (and finish) with either hand almost equally as well, and is an absolute bulldozer slashing his way through the paint and creating contact at the rim. While not an incredible leaper, Evans knows how to get to the free throw line, which helps minimize the fact that he's not an incredible finisher percentage wise (just 50%).”




więc w dniu draftu 4 gości było lepszych niż SC


#2 Memphis miało właśnie rewelacyjną nowiutką parę G - Mayo po przedni draft ( 2008) i Conley jeszcze wcześniejszy ( 2007) więc oczywiste że kombinowali  mając Gaya i Gasola i Zacha... wybór padł na wysokiego bo Marc jeszcze nie był wymiataczem ( 11/7 w poprzedni sezon przed draftem)... wybrali C Thabeeta


błąd popełnili w sumie najbardziej Timberwolves którzy mili #5 i #6 i wzieli 2 rozgrywających nie wiedząc czy RR zagra u nich ostatecznie ale wzieto Flyyna ( ALE NAM JOHNNY SZYBKO I CICHO ZNIKNĄŁ)



stąd gdyby nie zakochanie się RR Curry powinien iść max #5

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No nie do końca sie zgodzę bo jednak zmienił rotację , wyciął izo grę ( oczywiście jak sie posiada Stefka to zawsze idzie się po złoto- k.... jakim cudem on poszedł w drafcie tak nisko to ja nie wiem) i to raczej są jego autorskie pomysły a nie asystentów


A po czym poznałeś, ze to jego autorskie pomysły? Bo np. te hand-offy i obiegnięcia wysokiego, które Warriors teraz spamują, to jest typowy Gentry.

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Masz na myśli high post splity? Jeśli tak, to jeszcze z prehistorycznych czasów triangle.


Nie, wysoki stoi z piłką na 45, niski obiega go jak zasłonę od strony linii końcowej, kończy się bounce passem albo lobem nad obrońcą. Charakterystyczne dla Suns za Gentry'ego.


"Kerr ain't coachin shit", lol

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mówimy o tym samym gościu, który 50-letniemu Shaqowi dał 100-milionowy kontrakt?


Chyba chciałeś być złośliwy. 


Po 1. Z postu, który napisałem jasno wynika, że pisząc menadżer mam na myśli sposób prowadzenia zespołu a nie robotę GeneralManagera. Chodziło o menadżera w rozumieniu brytyjskim (PL) - który dowodzi sztabem szkoleniowym, a nie o europejskiego dyrektora sportowego - general managera w nba.


Po 2. Co ma do oceny obecnych osiągnięć Kerr okres sprzed co najmniej 6 lat?


Po 3. Odpowiedział Ci rahu

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