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The New York Knickerbockers 2024/2025


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Jakie to jest POLSKIE !!! teraz wszyscy się interesują żarliwie Knicks / Wszyscy wiedzą lepiej - historia w PL zawsze taka sama (jak Małysz wygrywał to cała Polska wygrywała z nim / gdy przegrywał wszyscy na niego pluli i wiedzieli lepiej jak wylądować "TeleMarkiem", jak o F1 nikt nawet nie słyszał (nigdy nie bylo w PL relacji w TV) to jak pojawił sie Kubica to nagle w PL pojawiło się miliony POlaków co to lepiej potrafili skonstruować silnik, ustawić docisk, kąty kół i mogliby uczyć Kubicę idealnego tory przejazdu pokazując mu gdzie są szczyty zakretów itd.

- Sory chłopaki ale niektórzy z Was są żałośni :) 

Od ponad 20 lat (za wyjątkiem sezonu z emerytami z Kidd`em "na czele" można się radować w końcu swoim ulubionym zespołem) więc może przestańcie uprawiać Polską Wszechwiedzę :D

A tak już sportowo:

Grają obecnie jak grają - 2 zawodników nowych w S5 (Towns w ostatniej chwili) - czasem dotarcie trwa 2 dni czasem 2 miesiące i to ma prawo być !!! może dajmy im sobie spokojnie ze sobą pograć ....

Brak głębi - no fakt, przy kontuzjach 2 graczy z wysokich pozycji na 3 posiadanych to faktycznie ma prawo zaburzyć (w mojej skromnej ocenie) możliwości ustawień - tym bardziej że Ci dwaj znają system i swoje miejsce na boisku więc ich brak jest obecnie "kluczowy" chociażby dla płynności gry.

NYK Mistrzem - szanse mają oczywiście (u bukmacherów też są wysoko), ale jak nie wygrają to nikt ich wieszać nie będzie :) brak misia w tym seznie to chyba nie będzie klęska żywiołowa (tak jakby Boston, OKC czy Nugets też maja do tego papiery aby je wtgrać :) )

"Brak głębi" w składzie i brak "perspektyw" tak na szybko powieję "przyszłością" nawet jeśli w tym sezonie będą sie nią borykać (wg. wiekszości obserwujących) to np. już w przyszłym mogą spokojnie: nie podpisywać z Achiuwa (6 mln), wymienić Robinsona na innego gracza + assety/lub jakaś inna konfiguracja (12 mln). podpisać z 2-3 weteranów za minimum ( bo już będą na to pieniądze) i nagle mają silną 10 osobową rotację ( i sporo weteranó, po których będzie sięgał Thibs) - czy to nie wygląda pięknie ??? :) 

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3 godziny temu, LukaszKopys napisał(a):

Jakie to jest POLSKIE !!!

Ziom, jak Ci się podoba takie granie, to sobie możesz zapętlić i oglądać do karpia w grudniu

Knicks rok temu zrobili drugi seed a Brunson był o krok od pierwszej piątki sezonu

ale to teraz w końcu można się radować Knicks XD

jesteście klasą samą w sobie, teraz już wiem, że to zbyt elitarne grono dla mnie

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5 godzin temu, LukaszKopys napisał(a):

jak o F1 nikt nawet nie słyszał (nigdy nie bylo w PL relacji w TV) to jak pojawił sie Kubica

Guzik prawda, F1 leciało w Polsce przed Kubicą (pełne wyścigi na TV4 chociażby) a jak ktoś miał dostęp do niemieckich kanałów to mógł oglądać na RTL-u (sam byłem jednym z tych szczęściarzy), kibiców też było sporo o czym świadczy popularność Senny (choć to Prost ma więcej ulic ;) ) czy Ferrari, więc trafiłeś jak łysy w beton.

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Tak od początku drugiej kwarty czułem że to przejebią. Czemu? Bo wciąż ta gra wygląda tak samo: Brunson holuje piłkę 20 sekund a reszta się patrzy. Sorry, ale JB na piłce już nikogo nie zaskoczy jak w zeszłym roku, bronią go twardo i zmuszają do prostych błędów. KAT znowu uzbierał całkiem przyzwoita linijkę, ale na pewno nie można o nim powiedzieć że dominował w pomalowanym. Reszta S5 pochowana w ataku i tylko od święta coś tam szarpną (dzisiaj OG miał kilka minut). No i ciężko się gra z jednym rezerwowym (no może z Kołkiem to było półtora). Powrót Ochiuwy i Robinsona powinien być jakimś lekarstwem (nie wierzę, że to piszę ...)

W ataku schematycznie, wolno i przewidywalnie do bólu. W obronie dziurawo i f****ing Trea Young rozbijał ją i odrzucał na wolne trójki jak chciał. To nie przypadek, że właśnie z Knicks ich rookie zagrał mecz życia.

Duuuuuużo pracy przed Thibsem. Potencjał jest, ale widać, że to nie będzie "samograj" i sporo wody upłynie zanim to zaskoczy

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3 minuty temu, Pepis21 napisał(a):

Guzik prawda, F1 leciało w Polsce przed Kubicą (pełne wyścigi na TV4 chociażby) a jak ktoś miał dostęp do niemieckich kanałów to mógł oglądać na RTL-u (sam byłem jednym z tych szczęściarzy), kibiców też było sporo o czym świadczy popularność Senny (choć to Prost ma więcej ulic ;) ) czy Ferrari, więc trafiłeś jak łysy w beton.

W drugiej połowie lat 90s wyścigi w Polsce pokazywał również C+.

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1 minutę temu, LeweBiodroSmoka napisał(a):

i na kilku kanałach można było oglądać wyścig z wielu kamer, była też nawet klasyfikacja na żywo

straszny sztos jak na tamte lata

Tak chyba 7-9 kanałów i różne kamery. Jak na tamte lata to wypasiony przekaz.

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Co niektóre dziewczyny i p****nie zrozumiały przekazu - życie. Nawiązując do F1 - Ci co się interesowali znali dojścia (c+, RTL itd) nie moja bajka, więc był to przykład na mentalność Polaka (analogicznie Małysz). Wszyscy jak sie nagle znikąd obudzą to się na wyżynę wszechwiedzy wspinają - to jest żałosne "baranie" ,🤣🤣🤣

F1 może faktycznie nie najlepszy przykład - inteligentny zrozumie "przekaz" a debil będzie się dopierniczal

Edytowane przez LukaszKopys
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22 minuty temu, LukaszKopys napisał(a):

Co niektóre dziewczyny i p****nie zrozumiały przekazu - życie. Nawiązując do F1 - Ci co się interesowali znali dojścia (c+, RTL itd) nie moja bajka, więc był to przykład na mentalność Polaka (analogicznie Małysz). Wszyscy jak sie nagle znikąd obudzą to się na wyżynę wszechwiedzy wspinają - to jest żałosne "baranie" ,🤣🤣🤣

F1 może faktycznie nie najlepszy przykład - inteligentny zrozumie "przekaz" a debil będzie się dopierniczal

debilny to byl twoj wpis. typowo 'poliniacki'...

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2 godziny temu, cwikson napisał(a):

Tak od początku drugiej kwarty czułem że to przejebią. Czemu? Bo wciąż ta gra wygląda tak samo: Brunson holuje piłkę 20 sekund a reszta się patrzy. Sorry, ale JB na piłce już nikogo nie zaskoczy jak w zeszłym roku, bronią go twardo i zmuszają do prostych błędów. KAT znowu uzbierał całkiem przyzwoita linijkę, ale na pewno nie można o nim powiedzieć że dominował w pomalowanym. Reszta S5 pochowana w ataku i tylko od święta coś tam szarpną (dzisiaj OG miał kilka minut). No i ciężko się gra z jednym rezerwowym (no może z Kołkiem to było półtora). Powrót Ochiuwy i Robinsona powinien być jakimś lekarstwem (nie wierzę, że to piszę ...)

W ataku schematycznie, wolno i przewidywalnie do bólu. W obronie dziurawo i f****ing Trea Young rozbijał ją i odrzucał na wolne trójki jak chciał. To nie przypadek, że właśnie z Knicks ich rookie zagrał mecz życia.

Duuuuuużo pracy przed Thibsem. Potencjał jest, ale widać, że to nie będzie "samograj" i sporo wody upłynie zanim to zaskoczy

Thibs uparcie trzyma sie schematu z ubiegłego sezonu, zero reakcji na bardzo słaby występ Brunsona, którego Daniels praktycznie wyłączył z gry- w pierwszej połowie tylko 8 punktów i zero asyst, szkoda że Kolek grał tylko 8 minut 

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The New York Knicks’ most anticipated season in recent history has been lackluster to start, to say the least.

They are 3-4 after back-to-back losses to the Houston Rockets and Atlanta Hawks, two teams that were .500 or worse at the time of the matchups. You’d have to go back a few seasons to find the last time New York lost two games in a row to teams of that nature.

While this hasn’t been the start Knicks fans were hoping for, remember that New York was 5-5 last season before pumping excitement into a fan base desperately needing something to believe in.

The season is still young, and no sweeping conclusions about this particular team should be made yet. However, three weeks into the new campaign, there are things worth monitoring.

Here are some of the pros and cons of the Knicks’ season so far.

The cons

Lack of possessions

This team plays really slow. Per, the Knicks are last in pace in the NBA at 95.86. Furthermore, the Knicks shoot a league-leading 11.0 shots per game with seven-to-four seconds on the shot clock and are second in the league with 10.3 shot attempts per game with four seconds or fewer on the shot clock. The Knicks are shooting at 50 percent or close to it in these late-clock scenarios, but the efficiency, in a mathematical sense, hasn’t always been beneficial to a team that is often losing the possession battle and not shooting a ton of 3s.

A couple of things play into New York’s slow pace. The makeup of the roster is part of it. Jalen Brunson is one of the best guards in the NBA, but he’s not trying to beat you to the rim every possession like prime Russell Westbrook. Another thing (more on this below) is the team’s issues against switch-heavy opponents. The Knicks have spent far too many possessions isolating this season, and it’s led to late-clock shot attempts.

New York is often turning down OK-to-good shots — and sometimes great — to try and get a better shot, leading to more rushed attempts in the end. 

Given the talent the Knicks have on offense, it would behoove them to play at a much faster pace.

Struggles against switch-heavy teams

Three of the Knicks’ four losses have come against teams that have switched heavily. This has really given New York’s offense problems. The Knicks have taken too long trying to hunt mismatches and spent too much time playing isolation against those teams, which is leading to a slower pace.

New York tends to get stagnant against switch-heavy teams, often standing around and watching as a player tries to take his man one-on-one. The offense isn’t getting the ball moving side to side. A lot of the things that have made this offense look magical against drop-heavy teams is sometimes nonexistent against teams switching heavily.

“When teams play that kind of way, I think we’re too eager to find a mismatch,” Josh Hart said after the loss to the Rockets. “Like I said, when we’re doing that, we’re stagnant, and it’s creating tougher shots than we’d like. Games like this, we have to move the ball, move the defense and make them have to deal with our cutting and shooting and then capitalize on the mismatch. We have to learn from it. It’s not going to get any easier.”

This play perfectly depicts what Hart is talking about. The entire team stands around watching Karl-Anthony Towns try to score over Dillon Brooks in the post. Hart is the only one who ends up cutting, but Towns is putting the shot up by the time he starts to take off.

Lack of free-throw attempts

The Knicks rank 30th in the NBA in free-throw attempts per game. That’s surprising. Have officials been swallowing their whistles a bit more to start the year? Perhaps. More physical play was a point of emphasis this season, and it’s showing early.

However, the Knicks do deserve some blame. They rank sixth in the NBA in midrange attempts per game, per, and rank 25th in restricted-area attempts. That’s not a recipe to get more visits to the charity stripe.

The pros

Ability for different guys to take over on offense

New York’s offense has been funky through seven games, but the Knicks have so much top-heavy talent that they’ll tend to be in games in which they’re outplayed or give themselves a chance to steal games they don’t deserve to win.

Brunson and Towns can get 30-plus points any night. Mikal Bridges and OG Anunoby walk into 15-plus points nearly every game. Hart is finding ways to put the ball in the hoop regularly after a non-eventful preseason scoring. Miles McBride, aside from one game in Houston, has come off the bench and altered the trajectory of games for the better.

Based on process alone, the Knicks had no reason to have a chance to win Wednesday in Atlanta, but because they have several players who know how to put the ball in the basket at a high level, they shot efficiently and had a shot. Having several very good players can help negate the issues with the offensive process.

3-point shooting is good but … weird?

The Knicks are the most efficient 3-point shooting team at 42.4 percent. That’s good! This team set out to be an elite 3-point shooting team with its moves over the last year and, in a way, it’s accomplished that.

Now to some concerning stuff. New York is generating only 34 3s per game, which ranks 22nd in the NBA. That has slowly been trending upward, but a lot of the Knicks’ 3-point volume has been dependent upon whether or not a team is switching heavily. This team shouldn’t have as many issues as it has getting up 3s. There are too many good 3-point shooters and a guard with the potential to collapse the defense. There are a lot of kinks to iron out.

Another trend worth monitoring — and not for the good — is Bridges’ 3-point shooting. Bridges has shot 37 percent from 3 on about six attempts per game. However, when you look a bit deeper, not all is as well as it appears to be. The bulk of Bridges’ efficiency from 3 is coming from the corners, where he is shooting 59 percent on those 3.1 attempts per game. On above-the-break 3s, Bridges is converting just 16.7 percent of his 3.4 attempts per game. That’s a bit concerning given all the Knicks invested in the talented wing.

It’s too soon to make any ink-drawn conclusions there, but Bridges’ changed shot is still worth keeping an eye on as the season goes on.

Hart’s rebounding has popped

With injuries to Mitchell Robinson and Precious Achiuwa, the loss of Isaiah Hartenstein to free agency and a change in the physical makeup of the roster, the Knicks were going to need someone undersized to step up and help on the glass. Hart, one of the best guard/wing rebounders in the NBA, has done that.

As a team, New York isn’t rebounding well, but Hart is averaging a career-high 8.9 rebounds and has three double-digit rebounding performances to his name so far. Along with Towns, who leads the NBA in contested defensive rebounds with 3.9 per game, Hart is one of the best contested defensive rebounders in the NBA, averaging 2.1 per game.

Every player above the 6-foot-4 Hart on that list, aside from Zion Williamson, stands at 6-9 or taller.

Edytowane przez agresywnychomik
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35 minut temu, agresywnychomik napisał(a):

The New York Knicks’ most anticipated season in recent history has been lackluster to start, to say the least.

They are 3-4 after back-to-back losses to the Houston Rockets and Atlanta Hawks, two teams that were .500 or worse at the time of the matchups. You’d have to go back a few seasons to find the last time New York lost two games in a row to teams of that nature.

While this hasn’t been the start Knicks fans were hoping for, remember that New York was 5-5 last season before pumping excitement into a fan base desperately needing something to believe in.

The season is still young, and no sweeping conclusions about this particular team should be made yet. However, three weeks into the new campaign, there are things worth monitoring.

Here are some of the pros and cons of the Knicks’ season so far.

The cons

Lack of possessions

This team plays really slow. Per, the Knicks are last in pace in the NBA at 95.86. Furthermore, the Knicks shoot a league-leading 11.0 shots per game with seven-to-four seconds on the shot clock and are second in the league with 10.3 shot attempts per game with four seconds or fewer on the shot clock. The Knicks are shooting at 50 percent or close to it in these late-clock scenarios, but the efficiency, in a mathematical sense, hasn’t always been beneficial to a team that is often losing the possession battle and not shooting a ton of 3s.

A couple of things play into New York’s slow pace. The makeup of the roster is part of it. Jalen Brunson is one of the best guards in the NBA, but he’s not trying to beat you to the rim every possession like prime Russell Westbrook. Another thing (more on this below) is the team’s issues against switch-heavy opponents. The Knicks have spent far too many possessions isolating this season, and it’s led to late-clock shot attempts.

New York is often turning down OK-to-good shots — and sometimes great — to try and get a better shot, leading to more rushed attempts in the end. 

Given the talent the Knicks have on offense, it would behoove them to play at a much faster pace.

Struggles against switch-heavy teams

Three of the Knicks’ four losses have come against teams that have switched heavily. This has really given New York’s offense problems. The Knicks have taken too long trying to hunt mismatches and spent too much time playing isolation against those teams, which is leading to a slower pace.

New York tends to get stagnant against switch-heavy teams, often standing around and watching as a player tries to take his man one-on-one. The offense isn’t getting the ball moving side to side. A lot of the things that have made this offense look magical against drop-heavy teams is sometimes nonexistent against teams switching heavily.

“When teams play that kind of way, I think we’re too eager to find a mismatch,” Josh Hart said after the loss to the Rockets. “Like I said, when we’re doing that, we’re stagnant, and it’s creating tougher shots than we’d like. Games like this, we have to move the ball, move the defense and make them have to deal with our cutting and shooting and then capitalize on the mismatch. We have to learn from it. It’s not going to get any easier.”

This play perfectly depicts what Hart is talking about. The entire team stands around watching Karl-Anthony Towns try to score over Dillon Brooks in the post. Hart is the only one who ends up cutting, but Towns is putting the shot up by the time he starts to take off.

Lack of free-throw attempts

The Knicks rank 30th in the NBA in free-throw attempts per game. That’s surprising. Have officials been swallowing their whistles a bit more to start the year? Perhaps. More physical play was a point of emphasis this season, and it’s showing early.

However, the Knicks do deserve some blame. They rank sixth in the NBA in midrange attempts per game, per, and rank 25th in restricted-area attempts. That’s not a recipe to get more visits to the charity stripe.

The pros

Ability for different guys to take over on offense

New York’s offense has been funky through seven games, but the Knicks have so much top-heavy talent that they’ll tend to be in games in which they’re outplayed or give themselves a chance to steal games they don’t deserve to win.

Brunson and Towns can get 30-plus points any night. Mikal Bridges and OG Anunoby walk into 15-plus points nearly every game. Hart is finding ways to put the ball in the hoop regularly after a non-eventful preseason scoring. Miles McBride, aside from one game in Houston, has come off the bench and altered the trajectory of games for the better.

Based on process alone, the Knicks had no reason to have a chance to win Wednesday in Atlanta, but because they have several players who know how to put the ball in the basket at a high level, they shot efficiently and had a shot. Having several very good players can help negate the issues with the offensive process.

3-point shooting is good but … weird?

The Knicks are the most efficient 3-point shooting team at 42.4 percent. That’s good! This team set out to be an elite 3-point shooting team with its moves over the last year and, in a way, it’s accomplished that.

Now to some concerning stuff. New York is generating only 34 3s per game, which ranks 22nd in the NBA. That has slowly been trending upward, but a lot of the Knicks’ 3-point volume has been dependent upon whether or not a team is switching heavily. This team shouldn’t have as many issues as it has getting up 3s. There are too many good 3-point shooters and a guard with the potential to collapse the defense. There are a lot of kinks to iron out.

Another trend worth monitoring — and not for the good — is Bridges’ 3-point shooting. Bridges has shot 37 percent from 3 on about six attempts per game. However, when you look a bit deeper, not all is as well as it appears to be. The bulk of Bridges’ efficiency from 3 is coming from the corners, where he is shooting 59 percent on those 3.1 attempts per game. On above-the-break 3s, Bridges is converting just 16.7 percent of his 3.4 attempts per game. That’s a bit concerning given all the Knicks invested in the talented wing.

It’s too soon to make any ink-drawn conclusions there, but Bridges’ changed shot is still worth keeping an eye on as the season goes on.

Hart’s rebounding has popped

With injuries to Mitchell Robinson and Precious Achiuwa, the loss of Isaiah Hartenstein to free agency and a change in the physical makeup of the roster, the Knicks were going to need someone undersized to step up and help on the glass. Hart, one of the best guard/wing rebounders in the NBA, has done that.

As a team, New York isn’t rebounding well, but Hart is averaging a career-high 8.9 rebounds and has three double-digit rebounding performances to his name so far. Along with Towns, who leads the NBA in contested defensive rebounds with 3.9 per game, Hart is one of the best contested defensive rebounders in the NBA, averaging 2.1 per game.

Every player above the 6-foot-4 Hart on that list, aside from Zion Williamson, stands at 6-9 or taller.

Dodaj jeszcze najgorsza drużyna w NBA w bronieniu pomalowanego i najgorsze rezerwy w lidze. 

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8 minut temu, LeweBiodroSmoka napisał(a):

After 4 straight years of finishing top 7 in opposing rim percentage, the Knicks are 28th this season. A lot of is tied to KAT's struggles. 

Opponents are shooting 13.4 percent better than their average on shots within 6 feet when he's the primary defender.

Ty ale to było moje

ogolnie stara jak swiat prawda człowieka morza - bez centra zorientowanego na obrone, to c***, a nie obrona.

nie moge na townsa patrzeć. 

a skoro nadzieje w Robinsonie, to w istocie ulotnymi mozna je nazwać...


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