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Najbardziej dziwi mnie dość wysoka pozycja Atlanty. Od lat mówi się, że to jedna z najnudniejszych drużyn, która nie ma kibiców. Patrz piosenka o Atlancie Hawks. :tongue:


Najnudniejsza to raczej nie, ale z tymi kibicami to akurat prawda. Od lat ogon ligi, w tym sezonie miejsce nr 28.

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ESPN opublikowało gości najbardziej overrated i underrated. Jak czytałem niektóre komentarze to zastanawiałem się czy nie pisał tego ktoś z forum :)


1. Ricky Rubio
2. Kyrie Irving
3. Larry Sanders
4. Deron Williams
5. Rudy Gay


Eastern conference scout: "He's been passed around so much with trades because he's hard to play with. He's not a chemistry guy. He's always looking to shoot the ball. He's got great size for his position and he's athletic as hell, but I don't think he's got the right mentality. He doesn't make big shots. He can't be your Number 1 guy. He's a Number 3 guy, but to be honest, even then I don't know how he blends in on a team that's trying to win a championship. He's certainly a talented player, but he doesn't do anything really well. He doesn't shoot it real well. Sometimes, he's out of control. He makes bad decisions."

6. Rajon Rondo


Eastern conference scout: "Three years ago, I was the only scout saying Rondo is overrated, and I was crucified for it. I was saying he was awful. I think he's a selfish player. He's only going to pass it to you if he thinks he can get an assist. I've seen him come out for pregame warm-ups with his shoes untied, shooting lefty foul shots. For him to come out for a game with that attitude makes me question his work ethic. I've never liked his game.

"If you play with Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce and Ray Allen at close to their peak, they're going to raise everyone's game. Defensively, Rondo's a bit of a gambler, and I don't think his defense is all that. If I was starting a team and had my choice of any point guard, he would be 40th. I mean it. I'd take some backups before him."

7. Josh Smith
8. Iman Shumpert


Eastern conference scout: "I could put any Knick besides Carmelo Anthony on this list. If Shumpert played anywhere else, no one would've heard of him. He has no value. What can he do? He can't shoot. He's not a slasher or a scorer. I think his defense is overrated. [This] is just typical New York media blowing a player up."


1. Goran Dragic
2. Marc Gasol
3. Chris Bosh
4. Mike Conley
5. Paul Millsap
6. Al Jefferson
7. Lance Stephenson

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Jakby zamienic Rubio I Ala tobym podejrzewał że Chytruz pisuje do espn.

Chyba że to losowe wprowadzenie w błąd


Meh, ja nie jestem jakimś wielkim haterem Ala, bardziej niż z samego Ala chodziło tu o polewkę z pewnego użytkownika forum.


Ale lista, muszę przyznać, bardzo sensowna, prędzej bym się spodziewał, że według ESPN underrated będzie LeBron, Kobe, Rondo i Carmelo.

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Który zespół, twoim zdaniem, jest w stanie na wschodzie doprowadzić do game 7 w serii z Heat/Pacers?


Nikt, to jasne. Ale z ekip plączących się w okolicach 6-8 miejsca zdecydowanie wolałbym nie trafić na Brooklyn. 

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