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Blog Entry- “Lil’ Christopher Bosh” We Should Change our Team Name!!!


Hey everybody! I really love my new life here in Miami with LeMom and NBA Champion Dadwyane. Our record isn’t so good right now but Miami is cool and there’s a lot of other things to do than just boring basketball. I can always find cool animals like lizards and frogs in our back yard. Last week I found a cool looking snake that made a funny rattling sound when you shake it. I brought it in the house to show LeMom and Dadwyane, but they didn’t seem too like as much as I did. LeMom jumped on a chair and started crying hysterically. Dadwyane, yelled, “G** D*****, Chris! You stupid f**ker! Get that snake out the house! Are you trying to kill us all! You should spend time working on getting a f**king offensive rebound not out catching lizards and snakes you tall f**king waste of space!” …


Dadwyane is always yelling at me but LeMom says it is because it is just because he wants me to reach my full potential and to not get bitten by a poisonous snake. When Dadwyane is in a bad mood, I usually just go to my room and write raps or think up new ways to make Dadwyane love me. This time I couldn’t stop thinking about how LeMom and Dadwyane were so scared of the snake and gave me an idea. We should change our team name to scare everyone else.


No one is scared of heat obviously. It is true the effects of global warming are horrifying but Zombies are much scarier. When was the last time you had a nightmare about global warming? I always have a nightmare where I am laying in my racecar bed thinking of words that rhyme with Optimus Prime (my rap name is Optimus Rhyme) when I hear painful screams coming from LeMom and Dadwyane’s room. When I open their door, there is a man in leather mask choking LeMom. Everytime LeMom screams at me to get out to protect me from the man in the mask. How about the Miami Leather Masks? Scary. The Miami Rattlely Snakes? Cool. The Miami Rattlely Snakes in Leather Masks? Cool and scary but still missing something.


My last team had a dinosaur name. That was awesome! Before LeMom and Dadwyane adopted me, I always wanted to play for the Wizards because they had the coolest name. So I think we should have a name that is both cool and scary. Then it hit me! The Miami Ballrogs; not the Street Fighter Balrog (who is also cool and punches really hard!), but the LoTR Balrog. According to Wikipedia, Balrogs are “tall menacing humanoid beings, with the ability to shroud themselves in fire, darkness, and shadow.” How awesome and scary is that? Plus, all the players on the team are tall, menacing and humanoid. I added an extra “l” to Balrog because we play with a ball. I used my Balrog toy to make the first mascot design. See the photo attached. I hope Dadwyane likes it. If he does, maybe he will stop yelling at me.

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